de Oliveira Araujo, Pedro Ivo
Écrite en 1978, l'œuvre « L'autogestion yougoslave: une théorie et pratique capitaliste » (2023), conçue par le secrétaire général du Parti du travail d'Albanie (PPSh) Enver Hoxha, représentait une critique sur le modèle économique adopté par Edvard Kardelj et Josip Broz Tito. Soulignant que l'expérience socialiste vécue en Yougoslavie avait, après...
Orlando Mora Pedraza, Javier
Contrary to traditional belief, social structures can be built from the bottom up, and one way of doing this is through collective initiatives of various kinds. The end of the 20th century saw the emergence of the so-called "Bottom-up Urbanism" emerged, an alternative ap-proach to citizen-led planning intended to transform urban spaces. This articl...
Bauni, Natalia
The article's objective is to describe and analyze the case of the cooperative La Litoraleña, a recovered food company from the City of Buenos Aires-born in 2015 with 46 associated workers. Over the years, the labor cooperative managed to sustain itself, consolidate economically and democratically, and managed to install a self-management process t...
Vargas Mendoza, Yanet Santiago García, Patricia Araceli Soto Castro, Delia Gaitán Hernández, Rigoberto
Las Unidades de Producción Familiar (UPF), son una estrategia en la producción de alimentos a bajo costo para la población rural, como un sistema de asociatividad que permite el involucramiento de sus integrantes. El objetivo del trabajo, fue establecer una UPF de setas (Pleurotus spp.), en la comunidad de San Juan Yatzona, Oaxaca, como alternativa...
Munera Martínez, Marta Medina-Vicent, María
This paper aims to analyse the self-management of women's health through the use of mobile apps. Firstly, the construction of the medical gaze and the forms of biopower that have historically conditioned the management by women of their own health will be analysed. Secondly, it will try to reflect on the role that health applications play in managi...
Fernández Labbé, Juan
Resumen: El artículo tiene por objetivo analizar los mecanismos institucionales que han operado en un territorio estigmatizado y pauperizado, así como las respuestas de acción comunitaria por parte de organizaciones y colectivos sociales. Mediante la metodología cualitativa, a partir de los relatos de 17 dirigentes sociales y activistas de Alto Hos...
Gómez Rodríguez, Dustin Tahisin Barbosa Pérez, Ehyder Mario Martínez Ramírez, Carlos David
The aim of the review article is to characterize employee funds as a form of solidarity economy organization that promotes cooperation among members. The methodology is divided into two stages. On the one hand, it is qualitative by means of the documentary review analysis technique, with a descriptive scope, through matrices that seek to identify d...
Eiriz Alonso, Natalia Heredia Saenz, Antoni Nogués Rotaeche, María
Arreta-sistema bakar batek osasun mentaleko arazoak dituzten pertsonen egoera eta behar guztiei ezin die erantzun. Gipuzkoan arreta integrala eta kalitatezkoa baliabide komunitario gutxik eskeintzen diete etxean bizi diren eta buru osasun mental larria duten pertsonei. Gainera, laguntza-sarea ez dago oso bideratuta iraupen luzeko zaintzak ematera, ...
Marenco Rojas, Helen
The approach to this case allows us to place dance as a mediating factor in the learning shared with students from the National University during the university extension experience on Isla Venado carried out within the framework of the Comprehensive Development Program for Rural Rural Communities of the Gulf. from Nicoya. The involvement found in ...
Moura de Oliveira, Gustavo
The objective of this article is to critically reflect on the most widespread ap-proaches to the concept of solidarity economy in Latin America in contrast to one of anti-colonial inspiration. When analyzing the case of the Brazilian Solidarity Economy Movement (Mesb), I ask myself: How do the most well-known approaches deal with the problem of the...