Rickford, John Russell
My autobiographical essay begins with a brief section on my high school experience, then goes into more substantive detail about my research and publications over the past 55 years at the universities I attended (University of California, Santa Cruz; University of Pennsylvania) or at which I worked (University of Guyana, Stanford University) and si...
Fragaszy, Dorothy M
Published in
American journal of primatology
Examples of realized scientific careers can provide ideas and inspiration for others aiming to pursue such careers. Here I recount in brief the story of my long career in primatology (1973 to the present), focusing on one enduring theme in my research: the nature and genesis of goal-directed action (evident in movement). The story begins in graduat...
Hagan, John
My interest in criminology grew as the Vietnam War escalated. I applied to two Canadian graduate schools and flipped a coin. The coin recommended the University of Toronto, but I chose the University of Alberta, which had a stronger criminology program. I wrote a dissertation about criminal sentencing, which led to an Assistant Professorship at the...
Kinney, Hannah C.
I am honored to be asked by the journal to write this personal essay about my career in pediatric neuropathology—a life of immense satisfaction, meaning, and fulfillment. My motivation to enter this discipline is highlighted, as is my decision to perform brain research in the sudden infant death syndrome, the leading cause of postneonatal infant mo...
Oldham, Greg R.
In this article, I reflect on my journey in the field of organizational behavior. It was an unplanned journey but one that has lasted more than 50 years and has been incredibly rewarding. I discuss some of the early decisions that were instrumental in my choosing this career and the people and experiences that shaped my research program. I also ref...
Moore, Willard S.
My strategy for writing this autobiography is to use examples of how working on seemingly different projects can often lead to outcomes more important than originally envisioned. Serendipity is a happy accident—specifically, the accident of discovering something useful without directly looking for it. This often occurs when two research projects co...
Knöös, Martin
The purpose of this paper is to study the strategies that are applied when a text is translated from French to Swedish, in this case an extract from an autobiography by a well-known French musician. Our hypothesis is that the autobiography as a genre lends itself to a foreignization strategy, that is to prioritize the source text and its culture. W...
Gallardo, Sara R.
En este trabajo analizamos las autonovelas familiares como vehículos de historias silenciadas, donde el sujeto narrado está en una posición de subalternidad (Gramsci, Spivak). Desde un abordaje doble de este concepto (memorias subterráneas y antibiografías), nos interesa estudiar el modo en el que los autores se enfrentan a su propio sentido de la ...
Dąbrowski, Bartosz
The article aims to address one of the borderline cases of contemporary autobiographical narratives. Being aware of the limitations characteristic of postmemory practices, the writing of Monika Rakusa creates a self-reflective and ironic variety of postmemory biographical prose, undertaking a complex game with auto-fictional and genre forms (e.g. d...
Węgrzyn, Klaudia
Jim Carrey is a literal illustration of the fulfillment of the American Dream: his story begins with economic disadvantage and a large family as well as the Canadian stand-up scene, and ends with becoming a multimillionaire Hollywood celebrity. Best known for his blockbusters of the 1990s, including comedies rather than dramas, Carrey has for decad...