Vignon, Etienne Traulle, Olivier Berne, Alexis
In this study, 8 years of high-resolution radiosonde data at nine Antarctic stations are analysed to provide the first large-scale characterization of the fine vertical structure of the low troposphere up to 3 km altitude over the coastal margins of East Antarctica. Radiosonde data show a large spatial variability of wind, temperature and humidity ...
Baas, Peter Van de Wiel, Bas Van Meijgaard, Erik Vignon, Etienne Genthon, Christophe Van Der Linden, Steven De Roode, Stephan
In this work we study the dynamics of the surface‐based temperature inversion over the Antarctic Plateau during the polar winter. Using 6 years of observations from the French–Italian Antarctic station Concordia at Dome C, we investigate sudden regime transitions in the strength of the near‐surface temperature inversion. Here we define “near‐surfac...
Shapkalijevski, M.M.
This thesis deals with the representation of the exchange of energy, momentum and chemically reactive compounds between the land, covered by high vegetation, and the lowest part of the atmosphere, named as atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). The study presented in this thesis introduces the roughness sublayer (RSL), the layer just above the tall vege...
Wilde Barbaro, E.
In this Section, we summarize the most important findings and relevant issues treated in detail in Chapters 2 to 5. The primary conclusion of this thesis is that it is necessary to take aerosols into account to accurately describe the convective atmospheric boundary-layer (CBL) dynamics and the land-surface processes. We reached this conclusion by ...
Sterk, H.A.M.
Thesis entitled: Modelling Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers over Snow H.A.M. Sterk Wageningen, 29th of April, 2015 Summary The emphasis of this thesis is on the understanding and forecasting of the Stable Boundary Layer (SBL) over snow-covered surfaces. SBLs typically form at night and in polar regions (especially in winter), when radiative cooli...
Kleis, R. Pietersen-Theeuwes, N.E.
Wat het hitte-eilandeffect is, weet iedereen zo langzamerhand wel. In de stad is het – vooral ’s avonds en ’s nachts – vaak warmer dan op het platteland. De stad slaat overdag energie op en straalt die ’s nachts weer uit. Maar op een rustige en heldere zomerdag kan het ’s ochtends in de stad zomaar een paar graden koeler zijn dan op het omringende ...
Vilà-Guerau De Arellano, J. van Heerwaarden, C.C. van Stratum, B.J.H. van den Dries, C.L.A.M.
This textbook provides an introduction to the interactions between the atmosphere and the land for advanced undergraduate and graduate students and a reference text for researchers in atmospheric physics and chemistry, hydrology, and plant physiology. The combination of the book, which provides the essential theoretical concepts, and the associated...
Graf, A. van de Boer, A. Moene, A.F. Vereecken, H.
We applied three approaches to estimate the zero-plane displacement d through the aerodynamic measurement height z (with z = zm - d and zm being the measurement height above the surface), and the aerodynamic roughness length z0, from single-level eddy covariance data. Two approaches (one iterative and one regression-based) were based on the univers...
Penuelas, J. Guenther, A. Rapparini, F. Llusia, J. Vilà-Guerau De Arellano, J.
MONTES (“Woodlands”) was a multidisciplinary international field campaign aimed at measuring energy, water and especially gas exchange between vegetation and atmosphere in a gradient from short semi-desertic shrublands to tall wet temperate forests in NE Spain in the North Western Mediterranean Basin (WMB). The measurements were performed at a semi...
Janssen, R.H.H.
Diurnal evolution of organic aerosol over boreal and tropical forests The first research question of this thesis is: how do local surface forcings and large-scale meteorological forcings shape the evolution of organic aerosol over the boreal and tropical forest? This question is dealt with in Chapters 3 and 4 in case studies for the boreal and trop...