Fernandes, Felipe Canever
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Araranguá, Engenharia de Computação. / Este trabalho apresenta um protótipo em realidade virtual de uma simulação interativa do Sistema Solar para o aprendizado de astronomia. Dada a importância dessa disciplina e a crescente adoção da realidade virtual nos variados meios, o uso de um...
Kobiałka, Bogdan
The YouTube website offers its users an option of sharing their content in form of videos for free. One of the groups of creators who take advantage of such possibility are science popularisers. This paper investigates characteristics and comparative analysis in terms of quantity and quality of three selected channels that popularize science in the...
Kobiałka, Bogdan
The "National Geographic" magazine, which has been published in the United States since the 19th century, appeared on the Polish market in 1999 due to the political transformation that had taken place and led to many changes, also in context of media system, in the country. This magazine, due to its characteristics, belongs to the segment of popula...
Armentia Fructuoso, Javier
Egileak Iruñeko Planetarioak egindako ibilbidearen azterketa pertsonala egiten du, Espainiako zientzia zentroen testuinguruan, eta azken hiru hamarkadetan zientziaren komunikazioan garatu diren joerak kontuan hartuta. Planetarioa titulartasun publikokoa da, eta 2023an hogeita hamargarren urteurrena ospatzen ari da. Zientziaren eta gizartearen artek...
Stegliński, Tomasz
The article entitled: Astrology, Palmistry and Metoposcopy as a Complement to the Physiognomic Image of the Soul in the Philosophy of Marin Cureau de La Chambre aims to present the views of a little-known French doctor and philosopher in Poland. Living and creating in seventeenth century, de La Chambre is a representative of post-Cartesian philosop...
da Silva, Maria Romênia Camino, Néstor Eduardo
This article addresses a historical episode that took place towards the end of the 19th century, which marked a strong link between some astronomical studies and the beginnings of what would be called the “Seventh Art.” We present an overview of the history of astronomy and cinema, revealing details that demonstrate links between these two discipli...
Pérez Lisboa, Sandra Ruperta Ríos Binimelis, Carmen Gloria Castillo Allaria, Javier
Educators are called to favor digital literacy, introducing the different technological tools for educational purposes since they are part of the daily use of children. Augmented reality and the Stellarium program are powerful tools for teaching astronomy, since they allow observing the stars, constellations and solar system, facilitating the expla...
Horta, Anderson Antonio Santana Lins Cerqueira, Clara Julião Emar de Almeida, Délcio Alvarenga Pinto Cotrim, Michelle Aparecida da Conceição Ribeiro, Rita
The article presents the perspective of the use of the tools of the Design for the scientific divulgation for children from the project “Animating the Year of the light: the design presents the astronomy for children”, developed by the Grupo de Pesquisa Design e Representações Sociais da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais and financed by the Fu...
Souza, Rodrigo de Cypriano, Elysandra Figueredo
Resumo O MOOC “Origens da vida no contexto cósmico” foi a primeira iniciativa de Astronomia em língua portuguesa neste formato. Seu lançamento ocorreu em junho de 2016, contando inicialmente, com mais de 4.000 alunos, número que foi aumentando gradativamente (e cumulativamente) até a última sessão analisada (agosto, 2019). Nesse artigo será apresen...
Guataquirá, Efraín
Efraín Guataquirá interview with Nicoletta Lanciano / Entrevista de Efraín Guataquirá com Nicoletta Lanciano / Entrevista de Efraín Guataquirá a Nicoletta Lanciano