Ashford, J Wesson Tatem, Sue Binkley
Published in
The Neuroscientist : a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) presented some of the most spectacular artworks of all times in frescos on the ceiling and behind the altar of the Sistine Chapel. While Michelangelo's presentations depict events described in the Bible, there is broad consensus that Michelangelo was conveying his knowledge and theoretical ideas gleaned from his ...
Poposki, Zoran
Published in
Open Philosophy
This article investigates the tenet of Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) that art, like philosophy, is a form of cognition different from literal knowledge by applying key OOO concepts to the analysis of the Renaissance painting The Ambassadors (1533), a double portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/98–1543). The Ambassadors is found to exemplify ...
Rakoše, Mija
V diplomski nalogi sem preučevala, kako otroci doživljajo slikanice prek likovnega poustvarjanja. V teoretičnem delu sem na začetku predstavila avtorja lirskih besedil slikanice ter ilustratorki slikanice Mehurčki. Nadaljevala sem s kratkim opisom zgodovine slikanice ter predstavila slikanice, katere vrste slikanic poznamo glede na besedilo in gled...
Janež, Heidi
Povezava med modo in umetnostjo se je v 20. stoletju razvijala kot nikoli prej, kar pa je privedlo do skorajšnjega brisanja meja mode in umetnosti. Mnogi teoretiki so prispevali k razpravam o tej temi, a modi še danes ni podeljen status umetnosti. Kljub temu da je vprašanje o modi kot obliki umetnosti povzročilo veliko kritik in nasprotujočih si mn...
Łarionow, Dominika
The article discusses the concept of liminality, which the author understands to have migrated over the last hundred years from the science of folklore, which was originally folkloristics, to ethnology, cultural anthropology, performance studies and art criticism. This migration began in 1909 with the first edition of Arnold van Gennep’s book Rites...
Kambur, Hüseyin Dolunay, Ayhan
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Art and artistic creation serve as a means for artists to communicate with their environment, society, and the external world. However, the protection of artistic creations, as forms of communication, is not only a right for artists but also serves as a crucial safeguard that nurtures them during the creative process. Beyond the traditional issues ...
Méaux, Danièle
Au fil du XIXe siècle, se développe une appétence pour l’enquête ‒ qui se manifeste dans le secteur des sciences humaines (histoire, sociologie ou ethnologie naissantes) comme dans les domaines de l’administration et de la justice. Dans ce contexte, la photographie se trouve mobilisée pour archiver, les visages des criminels, des malades ou des ind...
Poindexter, Kristen
There are so many ways to bring art into science in the elementary classroom. That can be as simple as sketching a diagram of something a student notices in an outdoor space to designing and building models that show how a science topic works. As you look through the NGSS, there are many examples of this across the K-5 spectrum. Included are exa...
Pankowska, Krystyna
The aim of the study which adopts an anthropological and pedagogical perspective is to reflect on the community functions of art that uses comedy eliciting laughter. The subject of interest is therefore comedy-related laughter perceived as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The article examines various forms of comedy that cause laugher, and discusses th...
Sass, Tamara
The article describes research conducted in the commune of Fabbriche di Vergemoli, which consisted of interviews as well as film and photographic documentation. It is also an attempt to answer the following question: is art meaningful for the inhabitants of small communities, and what type of art has an impact on the local community? / Artykuł prze...