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with användarengagemang as keyword
The aging population is becoming a worldwide phenomenon. While physical activity is vital for the well-being of older adults, many fail to meet recommended levels. Wearable devices hold promise in promoting activity, but existing technologies often lack interactive features consistent with individual motivations for older adults. The long-term user...
Lindqvist, Amanda
Motivated by the alarming trends of decreased reading among young children and their increased use of technology, this thesis explored the design of an Augmented Reality (AR) reading experience aimed at increasing engagement among young readers in a non-educational setting. Research on technological reading experiences designed to further learning ...
Blomsterlund, Matilda Kerwall, Bianca
This study is a case study of rational, emotional, and transactional content on an Instagram account. The primary purpose of the study is to investigate which type of content generates high user engagement on Instagram and how it can be linked to information architecture. The study is based on previous research that shows rational content generally...
Liu, Jessie
This study explores the differences in user engagement in a live streaming chat across various video content categories on SVT Play, a Swedish public service streaming platform. Interaction data analysis and user surveys were conducted based on defined metrics to measure user engagement. In total, data from 723 804 users were used for the analysis ...
Erixon, Max Björklind, Tanja
Denna studie utforskar användningen av scrollytelling, en metod inom digitalt berättande, i jämförelse med ett traditionellt statiskt webbformat. Studien syftar till att undersöka i vilken utsträckning interaktivt och multimedia-integrerat innehåll påverkar användarupplevelse, användarengagemang, kunskapsförståelse och retention. En prototyp för re...
Lindell, Niklas Denudom, Emil
Information and communication platforms are used by cities and municipality for government-citizen communication. Previous research has shown difficulties in purpose and use, as well as in implementation of ICT platforms. The use and satisfaction of ICT platforms by citizens have also been shown to differ, depending on user motives, city size or po...
Boustedt, Jeanette Eklöf Torp, Anna
I denna rapport redogör vi för hur det kan gå till när man planerar, producerar och publicerar innehåll för sociala medier åt ett bolag i byggbranschen. Bolaget, som vi valt att kalla Bygg AB, överlät sina sociala mediekonton till oss under fem veckor med önskan om ökat engagemang på plattformarna. Denna rapport beskriver tillvägagångssättet för at...