Pieniążek, Paweł
In the article I present the influence of Rousseau’s philosophy on Lévi-Strauss reflection on the status and vocation of cultural anthropology. He develops this reflection in the context of his readings of Rousseau’s work, which he gives ethnological and anthropological meaning. In the first part of the article, I discuss the issues of two fundamen...
Sikora, Sławomir
The title of Adam Sikora’s film refers to one of the most important Catholic holidays. Lipiny (Silesia, near Katowice), where it was filmed, is famous for the colorful and spectacular procession that takes place on Corpus Christi day. However, the film focuses more on the idiom of everyday life, life in a place where extreme poverty has emerged as ...
Hossner, Ernst-Joachim
Published in
Sport und Gesellschaft
Ausgehend von dem von Schürmann und Hossner (2012a, b) vorgeschlagenen Perspektivitätsansatz wird argumentiert, dass sich sportwissenschaftliche (Teil-)Disziplinen um die Identifikation von intertheoretischen Bändern bemühen mögen, die als Randbedingungen in die eigene Theoriebildung einzubeziehen sind. Unter Anerkennung der verhaltensorientiert-fu...
Wig, Ståle Wig, Ståle
Cuban street vendors use pregones, high-pitched rhymes and rhythms, to promote their goods and services. This ambulant form of small-scale commerce has been part of the urban soundscape since the early years of Spanish colonization. While often celebrated as a vibrant addition to the nation’s identity, the pregón has sometimes been regarded as a nu...
Moraes, Cicero Galassi, Francesco Maria Sineo, Luca Šindelář, Jiří Varotto, Elena Mietlińska-Sauter, Joanna Antunes-Ferreira, Nathalie Habicht, Michael E. Beaini, Thiago
In 1950 on Mount Zlatý kůň (‘Golden Horse’) in modern-day Czech Republic a system of caves was discovered. During many years of research in this area, human and animal osteological remains have been excavated, among which the most interesting ones were nine fragments of a female skull, now dated to ca. 43,000 yrs BP which are one of the earliest kn...
Kluck, Steffen
Published in
Sport und Gesellschaft
Der Beitrag unternimmt es, das Konzept der Mündigkeit historisch herzuleiten und zu zeigen, wie es im Ideal des „mündigen Athleten“ weiterwirkt. Ausgehend von begriffsgeschichtlichen Spuren wird durch eine konkrete Fallanalyse gezeigt, dass das Ideal für Sportler und Sportlerinnen problematische Konsequenzen zeitigt. Um diesen zu begegnen, wird ein...
Salazar, Noel; 59545;
Why should we bother talking about medieval manuscripts in the twenty-first century? Works like the Book of the Marvels of the World continue to influence beliefs and practices in the contemporary world in ways that are freq uently neglected or unappreciated. Medieval imaginaries, or the contents of people's imaginations in the Middle Ages, continu...
Salazar, Noel; 59545;
World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) Conference and General Assembly / status: Published online
Gaybullaeva, Nafisa Navruzova, Muyassar
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
It is known that nowadays, in linguistics, the science of "cognitive linguistics" has already been used widely. This science is considered one of the most relevant areas of linguistics, which occupies a prominent place in modern linguistics. The study enumerates that cognitive linguistics is associated with various fields such as psycholinguistics,...
Gastmans, Chris; 1629; Sinibaldi, Edoardo; Lerner, Richard; Yanez, Miguel; Kovacs, Laszlo; Palazzani, Laura; Pegoraro, Renzo; Vandemeulebroucke, Tijs; 91338;
Our society, in general, and health care, in particular, faces notable challenges due to the emergence of innovative digital technologies. The use of socially assistive robots in aged care is a particular digital application that provokes ethical reflection. The answers we give to the ethical questions associated with socially assistive robots are ...