Nugraha, R P Wildan, D M Rahmadya, A Setiawan, F Ridwansyah, I
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest eel catches in the world and is very vulnerable to climate change, especially with rainfall. Rainfall affects fishing activities and the surrounding aquatic environment. Fish resources in the Cicatih River are quite diverse, one of which is high economic fish, namely eel. This study aims to provide...
Griffioen, A.B. de Vries, P. Twijnstra, R.H. de Graaf, M.
In general there are three subjects described in this report: 1. Overview and brief evaluation of glass eel monitoring projects along the Dutch coast 2. Exploration of a national glass eel index based on multiple datasets along the Dutch Coast 3. Analysis of the relation between tidal currents and glass eel monitoring at Den Oever. The aim of this ...
de Graaf, Martin Bos, Oscar G.
Foekema, E.M. Sonneveld, C. Burggraaf, D.
Op dit moment is er onvoldoende kennis over het gedrag van glasalen rond migratieknelpunten zoals schut- en spuisluizen. Vanwege hun geringe formaat zijn glasalen met akoestische camera’s niet goed te onderscheiden van andere kleine vissen. IMARES heeft onderzocht of videotechnieken bruikbaar zijn om het gedrag van glasalen in een veldsituatie te o...
Prins, H. Zaalmink, W.
In Nederland zijn vanaf 2009 in het kader van het aalherstelplan beperkende maatregelen van krachtvoor de aalvisserij. Friese binnenvissers die zijn verenigd in de Friese Bond van Binnenvissersexperimenteren sinds 2011 met gequoteerd vissen op aal, ook wel decentraal aalbeheer genoemd. Ditis in plaats van het wettelijk verplichte aalvisserijsysteem...
Pujolar, J M Jacobsen, M W Als, T D Frydenberg, J Munch, K Jónsson, B Jian, J B Cheng, L Maes, G E Bernatchez, L
Published in
Molecular ecology
Next-generation sequencing and the collection of genome-wide data allow identifying adaptive variation and footprints of directional selection. Using a large SNP data set from 259 RAD-sequenced European eel individuals (glass eels) from eight locations between 34 and 64(o) N, we examined the patterns of genome-wide genetic diversity across location...
Pujolar, J. M. Jacobsen, M. W. Als, Thomas Damm Frydenberg, J. Munch, Kris Jónsson, B. Jian, J. B. Cheng, L. Maes, G. E. Bernatchez, L.
Next-generation sequencing and the collection of genome-wide data allow identifying adaptive variation and footprints of directional selection. Using a large SNP data set from 259 RAD-sequenced European eel individuals (glass eels) from eight locations between 34 and 64oN, we examined the patterns of genome-wide genetic diversity across locations. ...
Pujolar, J.M.; Jacobsen, M.W.; Als, T.D.; Frydenberg, J.; Munch, K.; Jonsson, B.; Jian, J.B.; Cheng, L.; Maes, Gregory; 33033; Bernatchez, L.;
Next-generation sequencing and the collection of genome-wide data allow identifying adaptive variation and footprints of directional selection. Using a large SNP data set from 259 RAD-sequenced European eel individuals (glass eels) from eight locations between 34 and 64oN, we examined the patterns of genome-wide genetic diversity across locations. ...
Pujolar, J. M. Jacobsen, M. W. Als, Thomas Damm Frydenberg, J. Munch, Kris Jónsson, B. Jian, J. B. Cheng, L. Maes, G. E. Bernatchez, L.
Next-generation sequencing and the collection of genome-wide data allow identifying adaptive variation and footprints of directional selection. Using a large SNP data set from 259 RAD-sequenced European eel individuals (glass eels) from eight locations between 34 and 64oN, we examined the patterns of genome-wide genetic diversity across locations. ...
Pujolar, J. M. Jacobsen, M. W. Als, Thomas Damm Frydenberg, J. Munch, Kris Jónsson, B. Jian, J. B. Cheng, L. Maes, G. E. Bernatchez, L.
Next-generation sequencing and the collection of genome-wide data allow identifying adaptive variation and footprints of directional selection. Using a large SNP data set from 259 RAD-sequenced European eel individuals (glass eels) from eight locations between 34 and 64oN, we examined the patterns of genome-wide genetic diversity across locations. ...