Pouzet, Pierre Maanan, Mohamed Schmidt, Sabine Dieulefet, Gaëlle Large, Jean-Marc Robin, Marc
Dans le contexte actuel du changement climatique, l’analyse croisée de l’évolution paléoenvironnementale et paléosociétale d’un secteur littoral vulnérable illustre différentes formes d’occupations humaines liées à leur environnement durant les derniers millénaires. Une analyse sédimentologique couplée avec des cartographies historiques permet de r...
Arias Alpízar, Luz Mary Abarca Hernández, Oriester Francisco
The geographical feature that is Punta Arenas was formed by siltation in the last five centuries. There is cartographic evidence from the 17th and 18th centuries that shows a small point with the toponym of Palmer Point. It also shows the mouth of La Barranca river in a different location than the current one. Recent geological studies conclude tha...
Podossinov, Alexander
Published in
Miscellanea Geographica
One of the most mysterious concepts in ancient geography are the Riphaean Mountains that had for centuries been the object of mythological, cosmological, geographic, cartographic, and poetic discourses. Having originated as a designation of the northern (in relation to Greece) Thracian mountain, the name in the course of time became attached to the...
Delnero, Paul
Published in
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History
The Babylonian Map of the World, which is arguably one of the most famous and frequently referenced artifacts from Ancient Mesopotamia, has almost without exception been assumed to present an idealized and highly ideological picture of the cosmos with the city of Babylon occupying its privileged center. While there can be little question that dicho...
Echarri Iribarren, Víctor
La Guerra de Sucesión en Flandes fue un escenario idóneo para la formación técnica del ingeniero militar Jorge Próspero Verboom. Si durante la Guerra de la Cuádruple Alianza se enfrentó a Vauban en el asedio y defensa de plazas, ambos ingenieros trabajaron juntos para la causa felipista al inicio del siglo XVIII. Pronto se vio la necesidad de reali...
Moret, Pierre
Most specialists of Strabo agree that his Geography did not include maps specially designed by him to illustrate his work. But there is no such consensus as to whether he routinely used existing maps when drawing up his regional descriptions, how he possibly used them and from which authors he obtained them. Rather than attempting to interpret ambi...
Bouloux, Nathalie
National audience
Bouloux, Nathalie
Du point de vue des représentations de l'espace, le XIVe siècle italien paraît être une époque charnière. On y observe en effet le développement de deux courants: une géographie que l'on peut qualifier (sans jugement de valeur) de "traditionnelle", dont les représentants sont les universitaires, ou des encyclopédistes, et une géographie aux ambitio...