Bouali, Anas
This thesis deals with the mathematical field of optimal control theory, specifically focusing on spatially hybrid optimal control problems. Here, the term spatially indicates that we consider a hybrid control system defined over a partition of the state space that is divided into disjoint regions. Furthermore, we assume that the control system dep...
Shahzadi, Gullnaz
The development of advanced numerical models for designing and assessing the safety of complex structures such as rockfill dams heavily relies on the availability of significant computational resources. The intricate structure of rockfill dams, which consists of various zones with varying soil parameters, makes the models highly uncertain. Minor va...
Darvish, Hoda
Storing electricity from renewable energy sources for long term is a power-to-gas (PtG) concept. This electricity then produces fuels for industry, transportation, and household. However, this technology has different system variations with various environmental performances that should be investigated and compared to the conventional technologies ...
Dassargues, Alain
Une méthodologie complète pour la modélisation des écoulements souterrains est décrite étape par étape. Des définitions, une terminologie et une méthodologie générale sont proposées. L'accent est mis sur les choix à faire lors de l’élaboration des modèles conceptuels impliquant les processus à simuler, les problèmes d’échelles, la dimensionnalité, ...
Bénard, Clément
This thesis deals with the interpretability of learning algorithms in an industrial context.Manufacturing production and the design of industrial systems are two examples whereinterpretability of learning methods enables to grasp how the inputs and outputs of a system are connected, and therefore to improve the system efficiency. Although there is ...
Pierre-Louis, Fritzner
Le tassement des sols est l’une des principales sources de dégradation des sols en Europe. Il est généralement dû à la mécanisation des activités agricoles qui se traduit par des passages des machines agricoles de plus en plus lourdes dans les champs, dans des conditions climatiques défavorables, lors de la réalisation des opérations culturales. Po...
Kugler, Benoit Forbes, Florence Douté, Sylvain
In a bayesian inverse problem context, we aim at performing sensitivity analysis to help understand and adjust the physical model. To do so, we introduce indicators inspired by Sobol indices but focused on the inverse model. Since this inverse model is not generally available in closed form, we propose to use a parametric surrogate model to approxi...
Mouradi, Rem-Sophia
This thesis contributions belong to the general framework of data-based and physically-based data-driven modelling. An efficient approach for Machine Learning (ML), as well as a speed-up technique for Data Assimilation (DA), have been developed. For this purpose, Dimensionality Reduction (DR) and stochastic spectral modelling were used. In particul...
Clerc, Romain
L’estimation de la variabilité spatiale des paramètres de dégradation des ouvrages en béton armé présente un intérêt majeur dans la mise en œuvre de leurs plans de maintenance. Pour les ouvrages maritimes, soumis à la corrosion par piqûre, la question du nombre restreint des données et de leur non-stationnarité due aux conditions d’exposition varia...
Alzaareer, Khaled
The integration of Distributed Generation (DG) units into Distribution Networks (DNs) has been raised in the recent years. Hosting high penetration levels of DG units can add new challenges to power system operation, stability, and control. Such challenges are a) over/under voltage problems caused by the intermittent generation of DGs, b) operation...