Medina Reyes, José Eduardo Jazmin Castro Pérez, Judith Cruz Aké, Salvador
El objetivo de esta investigación es modelar el riesgo de crédito, evaluando el impacto del riesgo operacional y características del cliente, utilizando la versión difusa del modelo LOGIT. Para ello, se propone un Modelo Difuso de Gestión del Riesgo Financiero, integrado por un score de Crédito estimado con un modelo LOGIT Difuso y una adaptación d...
Gómez Maturano, Ricardo
Urban models are fundamental in the theoretical and empirical discussions about cities. However, the Latin American city models proposed by German geographers have not been questioned much despite their use, and there are few studies outside the large metropolitan areas. Therefore, this article, using geodemography, seeks to identify whether there ...
Acosta Minoli, César Augusto Carmona, Paulo César Mesa, Mónica Vargas Gil, Juan Diego Velasquez, Juan Pablo
The processing of coffee beans after harvest relies heavily on drying, which significantly affects the final product quality. Despite its importance, smallholder farmers in developing countries often resort to using patios and sun exposure for drying, exposing the process to numerous uncontrollable variables that may compromise the quality of coffe...
Ocana Flores, Hernan Isaac Luna, Andrea
Este artículo examina la IA en el desarrollo de perfiles psicológicos donde tiene perspectivas en el examen clínico, la terapia de trastornos mentales y la categorización del comportamiento humano. Sin embargo, en la adopción de tecnologías automatizadas en el campo psicológico, existen desafíos correspondientes, como cuestiones éticas, protección ...
Tello Oña, Yomara Quisaguano Collaguazo, Luis
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently booming, not only in industrial processes, but also in fields related to activities that contribute to the development of organizations and human knowledge. Machine Learning is contained within the computational context of AI, divided into three main approaches: Supervised Machine Learning (AAS), Unsupervis...
Khaldoune, Hilami Godard, Vincent
Parmi les maladies à transmissions vectorielles, les maladies à tiques (dont la Borréliose de Lyme) sont celles dont la fréquence des cas est en constante augmentation. L’Europe et l’Amérique du Nord sont particulièrement concernées dans les régions tempérées. Comme il existe une saisonnalité des piqûres de tiques, plus de signalement en été, moins...
Gómez Chávez, Andrés Felipe Feo Mahecha, Jeimy Katherin Parra González, Sergio David
Contextualization: Incorporation of new techniques and technologies to know the characteristics and composition of soils used in agricultural production is booming. The free license products such as Sentinel-2 satellite images, allow correlating the edaphic properties with spectral indices. Knowledge gap: In the agricultural sector, the indices cal...
Sabião Batista, Ruhama Ariella Brandalise, Mary Ângela Teixeira
Research in the field of Education has used technology to its advantage when it comes to data analysis and categorization, but specifically in systematic literature review, as this article addresses. One of the possibilities is Iramuteq, free software, linked to the statistical software R and its programming language is python. The statistical anal...
Castro Rojas, Luis Fernando Espitia Peña, Esperanza Romero Cuero, Edwin
The present work aims to deepen the study of the student dropout, which is a serious problem that worries the governments, university institutions and students worldwide. To achieve the above, this study uses data mining to analyze student dropout in a Latin American university by discovering the most influential relevant characteristics and by ide...
Duarte Sanchez, Derlis Daniel Alegre Brítez, Miguel Ángel Ramírez Girett, Víctor Ariel
Tax administration is an ideal field with great potential for artificial intelligence (AI), as it is developed through algorithms and data, so its success lies in the volume and quality of the data it possesses, in addition, these should not only focus on the fight against tax fraud, but also on the improvement of other processes such as virtual as...