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with administrative proceeding as keyword
Tratnik, Laura
V pričujočem magistrskem diplomskem delu z naslovom Merila presoje dopustnosti dokaznih predlogov v upravnem sporu so na enem mestu zbrana in predstavljena merila presoje dokaznih predlogov, ki so se razvila v slovenski upravnosodni praksi. Dokazovanje v postopku predstavlja pomemben okvir in vodilo za ugotavljanje dejanskega stanja in tudi za prav...
Castro Rodríguez, Alexandra
Due to the public health emergency caused by covid-19, the Colombian authorities in charge of national urban policy and the authorities tasked with the study, processing, and issuance of urban planning licenses, were forced to issue and adopt different measures to guarantee continuity in the provision of the service, prevent further spread of covid...
Sowiński, Piotr Krzysztof
Published in
Ius Novum
The article constitutes a comparative legal study of mediation based on for procedural regulations, i.e. Act of 6 June 1997: Code of Criminal Procedure, Act of 17 November 1964: Code of Civil Procedure, Act of 14 June 1960: Code of Administrative Procedure, and Act of 30 August 2002: Law on the Proceedings before Administrative Courts carried out w...
手島, 孝 Teshima, Takashi
1.序説, 2.西ドイツにおける問題状況, 3.聴聞の法的根拠, 4.聴聞の範囲と態容, 5.聴聞懈怠の効果, 6.結論的所見