de Wolf, Daniel Eggermont, Frederic Timbermont, Evelien
The exploration of disciplinary law and proceedings reveals a complex nature, marked by uncertainties related to the application of essential guarantees and challenges, such as the right to remain silent and the non bis in ídem principle. The evolving case law in Belgium on petitioner conduct during administrative appeals, which extends beyond disc...
Milojević, Dijana
Glavni namen diplomskega dela je sistematična predstavitev celotnega postopka zamenjave tujega vozniškega dovoljenja za vozniško dovoljenje Republike Slovenije, za katerega je kot organ pristojna upravna enota. Pri tem smo želeli postaviti temelje oziroma osnovna navodila postopka zamenjave tujega vozniškega dovoljenja za slovensko, ki bodo v priho...
Košec, Klavdija
Osebe LGBT v družbi veljajo za posebno družbeno skupino. V zadnjih sedemdesetih letih se je razširilo tako odobravanje oseb LGBT kot priznavanje njihovih (človekovih) pravic. Upravni postopki so najpogostejši postopki, v katere vstopajo tudi osebe LGBT v razmerju do oblastnih organov, zato nas v diplomskem delu zanima, kako pogosto prihaja do kršit...
Kovač, Polonca
This article explores bureaucratization and its boundaries in the framework of cutting red tape in the regulation of administrative procedures. Law is not an end in itself but should contribute to predictable and thus better relations in society. In this sense, the priority protection of public interest—which is characteristic of administrative rel...
Kot-Niewiadomska, Alicja Simić, Vladimir Tost, Michael Wårell, Linda
Every social group exhibits a need to make decisions that are binding for all its members and the participation of various interest groups in decision-making today is an integral part of modern political and legal thought as well as administrative processes. Recently, increased community engagement and greater awareness of the society with regard t...
Clemente Martínez, Jaime
In Spain, municipalities of less than 5,000 inhabitants are the majority, which means that the municipalities become the "cover letter" from the public administration to the citizens, since individuals usually attend to local councils to ask about any procedure they plan to carry out before any administration. The complex administrative structures ...
Kovač, Polonca Umek, Lan Ravšelj, Dejan Aristovnik, Aleksander
The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed our society, with administrative procedures - as relationships between public authorities and citizens and businesses - being no exception. Still, the innovative digitalisation of such procedures means the 58 administrative units across Slovenia have been able to develop a responsive administrative system. Usin...
Barrault-Stella, Lorenzo Hugrée, Cédric
En prenant pour point de départ l’étude des relations à l’école, cet article aborde les rapports aux institutions administratives et politiques des groupes situés en haut de l’espace social en France. L’observation de la diversité des usages, à la fois symboliques et pratiques, des institutions étatiques dans les classes supérieures permet de resti...
Cedeño Cassinelli, María J. Cedeño Cassinelli, Samantha A.
The present work creates the topic as a product of the pandemic that is experienced in the world, through this topic it is intended to assess the correct application of the principles in administrative procedures. In the administrative procedure, a series of principles are applied that serve as a guarantee or ensure the management of the processing...
Enteiche Rosales, Nicolás
This article analyzes one of the problems of the Chilean law on administrative procedures which is the eventual monopolistic competition for notifying the Administrative acts of the State trough certified letters sent via a State-owned company. This institution has not been systematically approached but has aroused dissimilar criteria from the Gene...