Asp, Carolina
Judendom och kristendom härstammar från samma rot, men trots detta ser diskussionerna kring abort olika ut bland religionerna. Den här uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva trosföreställningar kring livets begynnelse, besjälning och fostrets status som avgörande faktorer för hur synen på abort inom judendom och kristendom har sett ut sedan antiken fra...
Thorsell, Jonathan
This study examines the impact of liberalized abortion laws and increased access to contraceptionon men’s socioeconomic outcomes in the United States. While theory suggests reduced malesocioeconomic status due to shifts in household bargaining power, previous studies indicatepositive effects from planned fertility. Using a difference-in-differences...
Gunnarsson, Josefin Rodriguez Rodriguez, Malena
In 2015, Argentina witnessed an upsurge of feminist mobilization due to the rising numbers of feminicides, which motivated the foundation of Ni Una Menos and a broad feminist movement. The aim of the movement is to initiate measures against psychological manipulation, physical-, sexual- and institutional violence against women. Since the beginning ...
Jonsson, Miranda Riiga, Aksel
Abortion policy differs greatly in the countries of the world. Some countries are moving towards a more restrictive abortion policy, whereas other countries are more allowing and stipulate the right to abortion in their constitution. The question of abortion policy is constantly important and brings large effects on both individuals and society. Th...
Svensson, Alva
Pålsson, Elma
Rosendal, Linnea
For the last few years, the question of legal abortion has been a big topic in USpolitics. With the two major US parties, Democrats and Republicans, havingdifferent opinions about the subject, and with a new abortion law introduced inJune of 2022.This study goes over the latest party platforms and different statements fromboth parties to get an und...
Holmgren, Alice Wallin, Elin
Denna studie undersöker hur kvinnor framställs i samband med abort i amerikansk film. Studien undersöker medierepresentationen av abort i amerikansk film med syfte att bidra med kunskap om representationen av kvinnliga karaktärer som genomför en abort. Studiens material består av två amerikanska filmer, Never Rarely Sometimes Always och Unpregnant....
Lodenius, Lina
This thesis analyzes how compulsory heterosexuality is present in Polish legislation on women* and trans* people’s reproductive and sexual rights. The aim of this study is to increase an understanding of how compulsory heterosexuality’s presence in legislation regarding reproductive and sexual rights can consequently affect women* and trans* people...
Svahn, Alma
Subventioneringen av p-piller har varit aktuell sen dess att p-pillret godkändes i Sverige 1964. Den här uppsatsen kommer att följa diskussionen kring p-pillersubventioneringarna i dagstidningar från 1960-talet fram till 2010-talet. Subventioneringen av p-pillret blir i samband med abortlagen 1975 inte bara betydande för kvinnor på ett person...