3D na internetu
The STEP and IFC standardized data models are widely used in the industry. Existing software machinery does not enable to easily take advantage of all the information contained in those files, for common industrial processes. The X3D standard comes with a rich data model and the related technology to handle and visualize the data. In this paper, we...
Datavisualisering är ett hjälpsamt verktyg för beslutsfattare för att inom en kontext få en god översyn och skapa förståelse. Beslutsfattare kan enklare ta beslut utifrån datan som visualiserats och visualisera geografiskt knuten data med kartor har varit populärt under en längre tid. 3D grafik för webben har också med tiden vuxit sig mer mogen och...
Published in International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
PurposeExternal beam X-ray therapy (XRT) and proton therapy (PT) are effective and widely accepted forms of treatment for many types of cancer. However, the procedures require extensive computerized planning. Current planning systems for both XRT and PT have insufficient visual aid to combine real patient data with the treatment device geometry to ...
Published in GigaScience
Atlases provide a framework for spatially mapping information from diverse sources into a common reference space. Specifically, brain atlases allow annotation of gene expression, cell morphology, connectivity, and activity. In larval zebrafish, advances in genetics, imaging, and computational methods now allow the collection of such information bra...
This paper introduces an online 3D modeling environment named VRMath2 and discusses its applications. VRMath2 utilises a Logo programming language with a set of extended 3D primitives, to create 3D contents (in HTML5 format) in most modern web browsers. The 3D contents are rendered by X3DOM and VRMath2 can then export and publish the 3D contents in...
Published in Multimedia Tools and Applications
Modern Web 3D technologies allow us to display complex interactive 3D content, including models, textures, sounds and animations, using any HTML-enabled web browser. Thus, due to the device-independent nature of HTML5, the same content might have to be displayed on a wide range of different devices and environments. This means that the display of W...
Published in Multimedia Tools and Applications
We present a real-time volume rendering component for the Web, which provides a set of illustrative and non-photorealistic styles. Volume data is used in many scientific disciplines, requiring the visualization of the inner data, features for enhancing extracted characteristics or even coloring the volume. The Medical Working Group of X3D published...
Published in Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
Due to demand perspective, online 3D visualization and analysis of geospatial data using web 3D service (W3DS) has become an emerging research area in the geographic information system (GIS) domain. The applications of Web 3D GIS address the issues related to disaster management, city planning, transportation system, flood simulation etc. CityGML i...
What viable technologies exist to enable thedevelopment of so-called desktop virtual reality (desktop-VR)applications? Specifically, which of these are active and capableof helping us to engineer a collaborative, virtual environment(CVE)? A review of the literature and numerous project websitesindicates an array of both overlapping and disparate ap...