Book Review: Satrapi, Marjane. 2024. Woman Life Freedom. Seven Stories Press UK.
Published in Archives of gynecology and obstetrics
Sleep disturbances, which are common during pregnancy, may compromise labor. Nevertheless, little is known about associations between sleep disturbances and the likelihood of ending up induction of labor (IOL). Accordingly, we aimed to evaluate the connections between sleep disturbances during pregnancy and IOL. Altogether 1778 women from the FinnB...
O presente artigo surge de uma reflexão sobre a necessidade de repensar o cânone filosófico, especialmente no contexto dos estudos de gênero no ensino de filosofia para a formação de professoras e professores. Busca-se uma compreensão mais aprofundada do impacto que o cânone exerce ao perpetuar uma abordagem filosófica tradicional nos cursos de fil...
Zaha Hadid’s architectural journey emerges from her early exposure to diverse cultures and her natural curiosity sparked at a young age. Born into a family of influence in Baghdad, Iraq, Hadid’s upbringing, characterized by travels and exposure to significant buildings, laid the foundation for her prestigious career. Despite facing gender biases in...
Published in Journal of visceral surgery
This article aims to highlight the mental, physical, and sexual violence suffered by indigenous, Afro-descendant, and lower class mixed-race. Women who were accused and brought to trial for crimes infanticide and living with a partner without being married during the late nineteenth and part of the twentieth century. The research adopts a qualitati...
Depuis deux décennies, le marché du travail en France est caractérisé par l’augmentation de deux phénomènes : le déclassement et la mobilité professionnelle. Pourtant, près d’un tiers des diplômés du supérieur en situation d’emploi n’envisagent pas de mobilité tout en étant considérés comme déclassés d’un point de vue institutionnel. L’objectif de ...
This article, with a content review and consultation of primary documentary sources, intends to analyzethe situation of women underthe Franco regime, such as repression, structural changes,and concealment of the real situation of women in the periodin Spain. The role of women's maternity and 2the different roles imposed or taken by them will be aff...
Bakgrunden till denna litteraturöversikt är att kvinnor som utsatts för våld och övergrepp tillhör en skör grupp som kan ha extra behov av vård och stöd. Samtidigt upplever kvinnorna att det är både svårt och stigmatiserat att tala om det de utsatts för. Barnmorskans kompetensområde omfattar reproduktiv, perinatal och sexuell hälsa, ...
The woman has been subjected to the figure of the man, and has not had relevance in public life, except in the case of belonging to the nobility or being a nun. In the field of charity, she has always had a unique role, and in education, especially in the domestic environment. Little by little, first through the nuns, then the participation of wome...