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with WPR Approach as keyword
Halvardsson, Erik
This thesis analyses the two-child limit policy in the United Kingdom which is codified in section 10 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012, amended in section 14 of the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016, by utilising Carol Bacchi’s "What’s the Problem Represented to be?" (WPR) approach. The WPR approach draws on Foucauldian discourse theory and investigat...
Pastore, Pablo Gorostiaga, Jorge M. Tello, César
This article presents a brief characterization of the policy problematization approach and focuses on its application to the field of educational policy. Within this approach, the methodological procedure “What's the problem represented to be?” (WPR) developed by Carol Bacchi is given particular attention. This article involves the discussion of a ...
Müller, Annika Sophie
Violence against women continues to be an issue that severely impacts women worldwide. Since the global spread of the #MeToo movement in 2017, debates regarding this issue significantly increased. Yet the precise ways in which women are impacted by violence, heavily influenced by their unique and diverse aspects of identity, are often disregarded. ...
Müller, Carmen Ann
This study critically examines problematisations of the concept of ‘conflict minerals’ in the 2017 European Union conflict minerals trade regulation. It applies the ‘What is the problem represented to be?’ approach as devised by Carol Bacchi to policy analysis in order to disclose problem representations of ‘conflict minerals’ in the EU Regulation ...