Кожевников, А. П. Любимов, М. А.
У хорошо размножаемых культиваров древесных растений больше шансов к быстрому внедрению в озеленительную практику. Приживаемость и высота привитого посадочного материала в однолетнем возрасте и однолетних укорененных черенковых саженцев ивы и тополя - важный признак в расширении ассортимента озеленительных посадок. Сарафановский питомник является о...
Vangeel, Thijs; 112097; Neiva, Duarte M.; Quilho, Teresa; Costa, Ricardo A.; Sousa, Vicelina; Sels, Bert F.; 10563; Pereira, Helena;
status: published
Stadig, Lisanne Rodenburg, T. Bas Tuyttens, Frank Verdonckt, Pieter Wauters, Erwin Borremans, Lieve Reubens, Bert
This paper focuses on systems producing short rotation coppice willows (SRCW) in chickens' free-range areas. We aim to map chicken farmers' motivation to implement SRCW, and to assess the economic viability of these systems. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 free-range chicken farmers. Farmers agreed that chickens would prefer SRCW ...
Djomo, S. Njakou; De Grootek, T.; Gobin, A.; 1760; Ceulemans, R.; Janssens, I.A.;
status: published
Usoltsev, V. A. Усольцев, В. А.
В монографии в популярной форме изложены некоторые отличительные биологические и экологические особенности наших лесных деревьев. Внимание уделено основным древесным породам – лиственнице, сосне, ели, пихте, кедру, березе, осине, дубу, липе, ольхе и иве, наиболее представленным в лесном фонде России. Книга предназначена для специалистов-лесоведов, ...
Thijs, Sofie Witters, Nele Janssen, Jolien Ruttens, Ann Weyens, Nele Herzig, Rolf Mench, Michel Van Slycken, Stijn Meers, Erik Meiresonne, Linda
Published in
Frontiers in Plant Science
Phytoextraction could be a potential management option for diffusely Cd-Zn-Pb-polluted agricultural land in Northeast Belgium. The use of high yielding crops with a sufficiently high metal accumulation is preferred as these are expected to both gradually decontaminate the soil while generating an income through biomass valorization. To find out whi...
Michels, E Annicaerta, B De Moor, S Van Nevel, L De Fraeye, M Meiresonne, L Vangronsveld, J Tack, F M G Ok, Y S Meers, Erik
Published in
International journal of phytoremediation
Poplar clones were studied for their phytoextraction capacity in the second growth cycle (6-year growth) on a site in the Belgian Campine region, which is contaminated with Cd and Zn via historic atmospheric deposition of nearby zinc smelter activities. The field trial revealed regrowth problems for some clones that could not be predicted in the fi...
Breton, V. Forestier, O. Guindon, O. Evette, A.
Numerous studies have established the fundamental ecological role of riparian zones as well as the main threats they face, e.g., by invasive species. Our study concerns a section of a gently sloping river in the western part of France where the coypu, an invasive aquatic rodent, damages streambanks and prevents the regeneration of natural vegetatio...
Covarelli, Lorenzo Beccari, Giovanni Tosi, Laura Fabre, Bénédicte Frey, Pascal
During disease disease surveys carried out in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008, severe natural rust infections on biomass poplar cultivations in clone experimental field trials in the province of Perugia (Umbria, Central Italy) were observed both in summer and autumn. The foliage of infected plants presented the typical rusty coloration for the presen...
Delplanque, Marion Collet, Serge Del Gratta, Florence Schnuriger, Benoit Gaucher, Rodolphe Robinson, Brett Bert, Valérie
Phytoextraction may reduce the environmental risk posed by contaminated sediments while simultaneously providing an economic return via bioenergy production. There is a lack of information on the combustion of metal enriched willows used for phytoextraction. This work aimed to determine the Cd phytoextraction efficiency of Salix on a case study in ...