Djumaboev, KakhramonReddy, J. M.Carli, C.Yuldashev, TulkunAnarbekov, OytureEshmuratov, D.
Potato is a very important cash crop in Uzbekistan as the government has implemented several measures to increase its production to meet food security as well as to improve its export potential. However, irrigation water demand of potato is much higher than for other crops such as sorghum and maize, which normally consume less water and generate mo...
Ben Zekri Mghirbi, Y.Barkaoui, K.Marrou, H.Mekki, I.Belhouchette, H.Wery, J.
One of the challenges of eco-efficient agriculture is the development of operational farming practices to increase the level of agricultural production, maximize the efficiency of resource use and reduce environmental impacts. Based on the efficiency frontier concept and the decomposition of resource use efficiency, we used a three-quadrant framewo...
Pour obtenir et maintenir une eau potable qui réponde aux normes, les collectivités locales ont le choix entre deux types d’actions : préventives par la mise en place de périmètres de protection de captages d’eau potable (PPC) ou d’aires d’alimentation de captages (AAC), ou/et curatives qui consistent à traiter les eaux pour satisfaire les exigence...
Cropping system simulation can address the complex and interactive nature of resilience and allows for biological (crop growth and development), physical (soil-water dynamics), chemical (soil carbon and N turnover), and management related (e.g. crop choice, applications of nitrogen fertilizer, timing of sowing) aspects of resilience to be quantifie...
Malgré les efforts de la recherche et les multiples interventions des États, la productivité des ressources en eau, terre et capital, reste souvent limitée, notamment en Tunisie. Cette étude présente un cadre d'analyse des performances des exploitations agricoles irriguées. Elle vise à étudier le niveau et les déterminants effectifs de ces performa...
Harbouze, R.Le Grusse, P.Bouaziz, A.Mailhol, J.-C.Ruelle, P.Raki, M.
The aim of this work is to calculate and compare the economic efficiency indices of irrigated farms and the level of optimisation of irrigation water used for the main crops of the Gharb area. To this end, a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model was used to calculate efficiency indices. The survey covered 49 farms with different crop systems (veget...