The impact of overexploitation of groundwater resources on the resilience of agricultural farms in a semi-arid zone
International audience
International audience
Published in Cahiers Agricultures
En Tunisie, la culture de blé dur en irrigué est pratiquée sur une superficie moyenne annuelle de 48 700 ha, soit environ les deux tiers des superficies céréalières conduites en irrigué. Elle produit en moyenne 180 000 t, soit 20 % de la production nationale de blé dur. Cependant, les rendements réalisés restent toujours en dessous des attentes ave...
In the context of monitoring and assessment of water consumption in the agricultural sector, the objective of this study is to build an operational approach capable of detecting irrigation events at plot scale in a near real-time scenario using Sentinel-1 (S1) data. The proposed approach is a decision tree-based method relying on the change detecti...
Mapping irrigated plots is essential for better water resource management. Today, the free and open access Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) data with high revisit time offers a powerful tool for irrigation mapping at plot scale. Up to date, few studies have used S1 and S2 data to provide approaches for mapping irrigated plots. This study propose...
Increasing pressures on water resources are causing many countries in Mediterranean to (re)consider various mechanisms to improve water use efficiency for agricultural like Tunisia country. The price mechanism remains the most appropriate instrument to allocate this water resource, but the search for the optimal price of water that reconciles diffe...
L’emploi des produits phytosanitaires pose des problèmes de pollution diffuse et de santé publique. Les plateformes web de gestion des risques agro-climatiques ClimaVista® Agro, dédiée aux grandes cultures (, et Wine, dédiée à la vigne (, proposent désormais deux services d’évaluation des r...
Face à l’augmentation massive de l’utilisation des produits phytosanitaires en agriculture, et aux conséquences de dégradation des ressources naturelles, les politiques actuelles en France, sont orientées vers des initiatives de diminution de l’usage de ces produits tout en assurant une transition agro-écologique des exploitations agricoles. Malgré...
The Pyrenees range is a transboundary region shared by Spain, France and Andorre. As many other mountainregions, it is excedentary in water resources that are used in a much larger area that includes important urbanconcentrations and productive rural areas. This territory is particularly vulnerable to the consequences of climatechange. The PIRAGUA ...
One of the challenges of eco-efficient agriculture is the development of operational farming practices to increase the level of agricultural production, maximize the efficiency of resource use and reduce environmental impacts. Based on the efficiency frontier concept and the decomposition of resource use efficiency, we used a three-quadrant framewo...
Attribution of trends in streamflow is complex, but essential, in identifying optimal management options for water resources. Disagreement remains on the relative role of climate change and human factors, including water abstractions and land cover change, in driving change in annual streamflow. We construct a very dense network of gauging stations...