Дроздова, Н. А. Панова, Т. М. Юрьев, Ю. Л.
Рассмотрена проблема очистки воды разного качества на примере освобождения от соединений железа. Показана возможность решения этой проблемы путем применения на финальной стадии очистки углеродных нанопористых материалов. Показано, что такая технология позволяет достигать требований к воде для пивоварения, которые сформулированы в технологической ин...
Михайлова, А. М. Глушанкова, И. С.
В статье представлены результаты исследований реагентной очистки сточных вод целлюлозно-бумажного производства. Исследовано влияние перекиси водорода, сульфата железа (II) и хлорида железа (III) на очистку сточных вод, определены оптимальные условия проведения процесса очистки. На основании экспериментальных данных установлено, что наиболее эффекти...
Waki, Miyoko Yasuda, Tomoko Fukumoto, Yasuyuki Béline, Fabrice Magrí, Albert
Published in
Bioresource technology
Swine wastewater was treated in two continuously aerated activated sludge (AS) systems at high (AS1: 1.7-2.6 mg/L) and low (AS2: 0.04-0.08 mg/L) dissolved oxygen (DO), and at three temperatures (10, 20, and 30 °C). Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal was >94.8%. Meanwhile, total nitrogen (N) removal was significantly higher in AS2, at 64, 89, a...
Bajcurová, Martina
Práce se zabývá vznikem odpadů ve vybrané firmě a nakládání s nimi. Možného ohrožení životního prostředí, odpadních vod, v okolí vybrané firmy. Větší pozornost bude věnována druhu odpadů, tříděním a popisem druhu odpadu, předcházení vzniku odpadu, omezení případného vlivu na životní prostředí. Práce je věnována konkrétní společnosti a podrobně proz...
Bados, Philippe Mathon, B. Choubert, J.M. Margoum, C. Miege, C. Coquery, Marina
National audience
Law, Y Jacobsen, GE Smith, AM Yuan, Z Lant, P
This study reports the presence of fossil organic carbon in wastewater and its fate in wastewater treatment plants. The findings pinpoint the inaccuracy of current greenhouse gas accounting guidelines which defines all organic carbon in wastewater to be of biogenic origin. Stable and radiocarbon isotopes (13C and 14C) were measured throughout the p...
Korner, I. Amon, Barbara Amon, T. Balsari, P. Bioteau, Thierry Dach, J. De Buisonje, F. Deipser, A. Fabbri, C. Kupper, Thomas
The RAMIRAN Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Task Group has completed a second survey of the status of European biogas for the years 2010/12. The survey has been split into agricultural, industrial, urban waste and wastewater sectors and data has been collected from eleven countries for at least one of these sectors. The questions included driving forces, ...
Ruzicka, J. - Y.
Titanium dioxide is a well-studied and popular photocatalyst, but a number of factors still prevent its widespread use in a number of commercial applications. In this thesis we explored the synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles via the sol-gel method, with the goal of creating a viable catalyst for the visible-light degradation of wastewater ...
Adam, Olivier Bitschené, Maud Giangiacomo, Torri De Giorgi, François Badot, Pierre-Marie Crini, Grégorio
The adsorption capacity and kinetics of propiconazole in aqueous solution using untreated and treated activated carbons as adsorbents have been studied, providing new experimental data at different temperatures which were obtained using the bottle-point method. Untreated carbon was oxidized with HNO3, H2O2, NaOCl and NaOH to produce a series of sam...
Schmidt, H. Baur, S. karlsruhe, forschungszentrum
Over a period of three years the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) sponsored a cooperation between the Institut fuer Kern- und Energietechnik (IKET) of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (FZK) and the Wehrle-Werk AG, Emmendingen. The common aim is the advancement to readiness for marketing of the facility which was develope...