dervišević, haris teparić, meliha
This study examines art inspired by Sufi thought in Bosnia and Herzegovina, focusing on the artistic contributions of Meliha Teparić (b. 1978 in Sarajevo), a Bosnian artist and professor of fine arts and the history of art. Teparić’s art, particularly in pieces like To Douse Out Hell and Burn Down Paradise and Gens Una Sumus, delves into Sufi thoug...
Fortuna, Taja
Prikaz Device Guadalupe leta 1531 je bil ključnega pomena za širjenje krščanstva in Marijinega kulta v Srednji in Latinski Ameriki. Ta dogodek je postal simbol kulturno-religijske fuzije med španskimi konkvistadorji in avtohtonim prebivalstvom današnje Mehike. Posledično je nastal edinstven Marijin kult, ki združuje tako evropske kot azteške religi...
santiago-vendrell, angel d.
In the past, popular Catholicism in Latin America and the Caribbean was perceived with suspicion by liberation theologians and official Roman Catholicism for its eccentricities, lack of doctrinal coherence, and fears of syncretism with folk religions. Nowadays, popular Catholicism in Latin America and the Caribbean has been a source of theological ...
hollis, crystal
Historic graffiti offer new and interesting insights into late medieval and early modern English society. This paper will show the value of studying these inscriptions by discussing two churches constructed in the late medieval period in Suffolk, England, with drawings of two figures that potentially represent the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child. ...
fallena, denise
This article examines the representation and significance of the Holy House of Mary as a metaphor for the domus Dei in the initial letters of a 13th-century Book of Hours (Brailes Hours BL MS Add. 49999) using hermeneutics, visual studies, and anthropology of art methodologies. The manuscript delves into the theological implications of the doctrine...
rozman, mateja pevec strehovec, tadej
Ancient philosophers attached great importance to the ideals of unity, truth, goodness, and beauty as the path to the greatest good. Beauty expressed through works of art can open the eyes of the mind and heart and direct the human spirit to transcendence. The beauty of art awakens inner emotionality, evokes elation in silence, and leads to “coming...
Díaz Díaz, Teresa
There are two traditional ways of iconographically representing the birth of the Virgin: the one that alludes to a natural birth with pain, as we will see in some examples of this work, and the one of birth without pain that we will analyze in the next edition of the magazine, due to the large number of works that touch on the theme of the Nativity...
Pastor Serrano, Laura
[ES] El presente Trabajo Final de Grado (TFG) se centra en el estudio y elaboración de una propuesta de intervención de una pintura al óleo sobre lienzo adherida a una tabla ubicada en Benaguacil (Valencia). La obra, de autor desconocido, representa a la Virgen María con el Niño Jesús. En primer lugar, se ha realizado un estudio iconográfico de la ...
campbell, nathaniel m.
Despite the lush visual imagery of the twenty-six visions that form the foundation of Hildegard of Bingen’s first work, Scivias, the physical person of the Virgin Mary appears only once, as the Queen of the heavenly symphony in the book’s final vision. The images that coalesce in the musical compositions dedicated to the Virgin in that final sympho...
Piñera Ayala, María Dolores
The Sanctuary of Fuensanta underwent a restoration after the events of the Civil War, the new building being inaugurated in 1961. The plastic artists who worked on its decoration did so with the intention of extolling the figure of the Virgin Mary, highlighting the work made by the sculptor Juan González Moreno. His contribution was the most extens...