kadyr, arman
Tato bakalářská práce zkoumá vibrace malých raket a jejich vliv na letové chování. Studie se zaměřuje na pochopení zdrojů a dopadů vibračních sil spolu se strategiemi k jejich zmírnění. Prostřednictvím analýzy se výzkum zaměřuje na zlepšení stability a výkonu konstrukcí malých raket a přispívá k cenným poznatkům o optimalizaci struktur a materiálů ...
Tran, Le-Hung Duong, Tuan-Manh Hoang, Tien Foret, Gilles Duhamel, Denis
The railway track consists of two rails which are solicited the loads from passing trains. Due to the dynamic nature of these loads, the total forces applied to each rail are unequal and asymmetric. However, analytical models that simplify the track as a single beam cannot accurately describe the track responses. In this paper, we calculate the for...
Ahmed, Shaik Kabeer Haifa Afrin, Zulaika Shenoy, Sundip
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Bridges are essential components of the transportation network. These are unique constructions that serve as a transportation link between regions separated by physical barrier. Because of their critical role in ensuring passenger safety, these structures require constant maintenance. When vehicle cross a bridge, the structural components vibrate, ...
Miller, Jack Eckhardt, Alexander Lam, Jonathan Gardenswartz, Max
Dr. Porumamilla, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Cal Poly, needs a way to demonstrate the concept of base excitation to the mechanical engineering students in the Mechanical Vibrations (ME 318) Lab. A mass-spring-damper model represented by a quarter-car suspension has been selected to represent this concept. A team of four students was assi...
Getz, Connor C
The transmission line is an underappreciated style of loudspeaker enclosure characterized by an acoustic labyrinth stemming from the rear of the speaker driver. In practice, the transmission line enclosure produces airy sound uncharacteristic of other styles, at the cost of more pronounced resonant peaks. The most important practical drawback of th...
Han, Yunhyeok Cumunel, Gwendal Lo Feudo, Stefania Renaud, Franck
International audience
Hoareau, Christophe Deü, Jean-François Ohayon, Roger
International audience
Wilkinson, Alexandre
The encapsulation of car engines by porous screens is a technology that reduces the noise they radiate into their environment. Currently, their use relies mostly on their ability to absorb sound when placed inside the engine compartment, at a distance from the engine, but a new configuration that positions them directly in contact with the engine o...
Zaključno delo obravnava brezkontaktno merjenje vibracij z uporabo laserja in 2D lateralnega pozicijskega detektorja (PDP90A). Poleg senzorja sem za izdelavo merilnega sistema uporabil tiskano vezje za povezovanje različnih delov sistema in MyRio-1900, ki vsebuje ARM procesor za obdelavo zajetih podatkov ter FPGA, ki omogoča zajemanje vhodov ter pr...
Postma, Thies (author)
This study presents a novel approach for evaluating the effects of dynamic disturbances on optical performance using sensitivity analysis. The computation of optical performance for perturbed optical systems is too costly with state-of-the-art analysis software when applied in the use case for the optimization of the optomechanical interface, and t...