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with Vapour explosion as keyword
Simons, Arne Bellemans, Inge Crivits, Tijl Verbeken, Kim
Vapour explosions are a known hazard with potentially devastating consequences in several industries. They might occur when a hot liquid comes into direct contact with a cold and volatile liquid. Eutectic PbS-Cu2S droplet impingement experiments were performed to investigate the effect of the coolant composition on the vapour explosion behaviour. T...
Kokalj, Janez Uršič, Mitja Leskovar, Matjaž Meignen, Renaud
A hypothetical severe accident in a nuclear power plant can lead to significant core damage, including melting of the core. The interaction between the molten core and the coolant water is known as a fuel-coolant interaction. One of the consequences can be a rapid transfer of a significant part of the molten corium thermal energy to the coolant in ...
Simons, Arne Bellemans, Inge Crivits, T. Verbeken, Kim
Lamome, Julien
Le problème de l'initiation de l'explosion de vapeur est abordé ici en étudiant la fragmentation thermique (faibles perturbations en pression) d'une goutte chaude entourée d'un film de vapeur stable. La fragmentation semble consécutive à des contacts locaux entre la goutte et le réfrigérant. Néanmoins, le mécanisme exact qui déforme la goutte suite...