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with Value stream analysis as keyword
Särner, Camilla Söderström, Ida
The emergency departments in Sweden have today a heavy flow of patients which leads to long patient lead time. This development requires the emergency departments to increase their efficiency to be able to receive the major influx of patients. More and more emergency departments are beginning to look over the emergency department processes to creat...
Mäki, Hilda
För att företag idag ska vara konkurrenskraftiga krävs hög kvalitet, leveransförmåga och flexibilitet. Olhager (2013) menar att ständiga förbättringar av företagsstrategier, produkter och processer är nödvändigt. Lean verktyget värdeflödesanalys kan användas för att identifiera slöserier och förbättra produktiviteten (Rahani & a...
Bangalore Rajanna, Raghunandan Prasad Nallaye karthikeyan, Harvind
Lean production is one of the proven approaches for identifying and eliminating the activities that do not add value to the customers and delivering and provide the best possible quality service to customers. Implementation of lean is deemed to be feasible in any organization regardless of its size or industry background. For initiating lean in an ...
Schauerte, Tobias Lindblad, Fredrik
Many Swedish firms producing timber-framed houses lack in production development. Their off-site assembly is mainly non-automated and the Swedish building sector was identified to have the highest building costs in the European Union. Production costs account for the majority of these costs, caused by inefficient production processes. In this case ...