On fitting deuterated methylidyne spectra in fusion plasmas
We discuss how the spectra of deuterated methylidyne, CD, must be analysed and fitted to experimental measurements in fusion plasmas, especially plasmas generated by the JET tokamak. The A "2#DELTA# #-># X "2#PI# spectra can be reasonably well fitted by attributing a single rotational temperature to all three vibrational levels v=0,1,2, but the vib...
Collision processes among the constituents of low-temperature hydrogen plasmas (e, H, H"+, H"-, H_2, H_2"+, H_3"+) play a key role in technical plasma applications as well as in the boundary regions of magnetically confined fusion plasmas. In this work a review of the current knowledge on their cross sections is presented. Collision processes of el...
Die Stroemung eines Abgases in der untersuchten Modellschubduese ist charakterisiert durch chemisches und thermisches (vibratorisches) Nichtgleichgewicht, das durch die Abweichung der Vibrations- von der Rotationstemperatur des Stickstoffmolekuels im Ueberschallteil der Duese experimentell belegt wird. Eine Methode zur analytischen Ermittlung der V...
In the present dissertation the relaxation dynamics of optically excited electrons in free Ni_3"-, Pd_3"-, Pd_4"-, Pd_7"-, and Pt_3"- has been investigated. By means of femtosecond pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy the electronic relaxations in these small transition metal clusters could be observed for the first time in real-time. A quantitati...