Bertills, Karin Björk, Maria
Published in
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Introduction The objective of this study is to describe how Physical Education (PE) teachers work to facilitate participation for students with disability in compulsory, mainstream inclusive, secondary school. Inclusive school-based Physical Education (PE) is an important context for students to share the benefits of physical activities with peers,...
Hellström, Lisa Sjöman, Madeleine Enskär, Karin
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Introduction Identifying stressors in adolescents’ everyday life may prevent future mental health problems and could be used to promote wellbeing in school. To be able to identify possible coping tools in a school setting, the aim of this study is to conceptualize adolescents’ experiences of everyday stressors. Method Data was collected among 45 gi...
Kurti, Erdelina Ferati, Mexhid Kalonaityte, Viktorija
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Rapid development of digital technologies has stemmed profound changes in the society, positioning the ICT sector as a key driver and contributor. This sector, including education, is however characterized by a gender gap, which is problematic in the light of the increasing demand for digital competence and the ability to move toward a sustainable ...
Angelaki, S Frelin, A Grannäs, J Besenecker, U Danielsson, C B
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
This paper explores the use of participatory methods prior to designing interventions within a research project at a primary school in central Sweden. The approach presented in the paper is based on the principles of participatory design (PD), to enhance the use of these methods within the areas of educational research (ER), lighting, and architect...
Laukaityte, Inga Rolfsman, Ewa Wiberg, Marie
Published in
Frontiers in Education
This paper explores the measurement capabilities of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in assessing school factors that influence student performance. We specifically focus on the 2015 assessments of the science performance of eighth graders in Sweden and Nor...
Petersson Bloom, Linda Holmqvist, Mona
We aimed to explore the experiences of teachers, autistic students and students' parents, before and after professional development intervention for teachers in primary school. The main participants were five autistic students aged 7–11 years in three primary schools (intervention schools), their parents and teachers. Five school contexts were stud...
Hotamova, Zarnigor
The evolving nature of education emphasizes the importance of fostering 21st-century skills. To align with the requirements of the contemporary era, Uzbekistan introduced its new competency based National Curriculum, highlighting the development of 21st century skills. Despite the National Curriculum's emphasis on contemporary skills, a gap persist...
Bergman, Eva Eriksson, Monica
English version: 27 pages.
Pettersson, Johan
Syftet med studien är att beskriva och exemplifiera uppfattningar och tankar om datorkunskap och programmering inom grundskolan och Makerspace-rörelsen. Lärare, verksamhetsutvecklare och avdelningschef inom samma skolverksamhet samt, i jämförande syfte, en anställd på ett Makerspace intervjuades om deras uppfattning om datorkunskap och programmerin...
Besic, Sara Jankovic, Tijana
Kunskapsöversikten har som syfte att undersöka vilka faktorer som är betydelsefulla gällande användningen av högläsning med yngre elever. Högläsningen kan ses som ett språkutvecklande redskap i undervisningen. Vår avsikt är att svara på frågeställningen: “Vilka aspekter lyfter forskningen som viktiga när högläsning används som pedagogiskt redskap?”...