Giacche, Giulia Mohamed, Anais Melot, Romain Consalès, Jean-Noël
In this contribution we question the role that urban agriculture and private garden have in the city fabric. On one hand, more than a passing trend, urban agriculture (UA) has become a part of modern cities. According to some authors, it provides some ecosystem services (well-being, food, carbon storage, water captation, biodiversity…) contributing...
Gosnet, Antoine
The phenomenon of metropolisation is often studied on a metropolitan scale, presented as a coherent urban whole, even though numerous studies document the constant increase in urban socio-spatial inequalities. This paper proposes to discuss the notion of the metropolitan district, based on the hypothesis that certain districts are more strongly aff...
Li, Fei Yigitcanlar, Tan Li, Wenda Nepal, Madhav Nguyen, Kien Dur, Fatih
Urban Heat Vulnerability (UHV) has received increasing attention over the last two decades due to the exacerbation of global warming and the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect, amid rapid urbanisation and climate change. While there has been a notable growth in UHV research, systematic reviews and meta-analyses focusing on a broader range of issues and...
Mousa, Sahar N. Altai, Salahaldeen H. M. Khairo, Awss M.
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The aim of this study was to assess how inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi and Azospirillum bacteria affects physiological characteristics of strawberry plants under drought conditions and grown in mixed soil. Strawberry seedlings were planted individually in 5 kg pots filled with mixed soil, and urea fertilizer (20% K, 20% P, 20% N) was applied at...
Shaamala, Abdulrazzaq Yigitcanlar, Tan Nili, Alireza Nyandega, Dan
Trees are crucial elements for improving urban microclimates by providing cooling through shading, evapotranspiration, and windbreaks. To maximise their cooling effects, it is essential to strategically position the trees in optimal locations. However, research on optimising tree location and its impact on microclimates is limited owing to computat...
Marasinghe Pelige, Raveena Lakmini Yigitcanlar, Tan Mayere, Severine Washington, Tracy Limb, Mark
Artificial intelligence (AI) has increasingly been integrated into various domains, significantly impacting geospatial applications. Machine learning (ML) and computer vision (CV) are critical in urban decision-making. However, urban AI implementation faces unique challenges. Academic literature on responsible AI largely focuses on general principl...
stolař, michal
Předmětem bakalářské práce je urbanistický návrh souboru rodinných domů ve Frýdku-Místku, v části zvané Stará Riviéra. Řešené území je v současnosti rozvojová plocha, u které se předpokládá její využití pro bydlení v rodinných domech. Návrh vychází z kontextu území a je spoluvytvářen ochrannými pásmy inženýrských sítí i historickými souvislostmi. J...
šimonková, veronika
Řešeným územím je lokalita Modřanských strojíren v Praze - Komořanech. Jedná se o oplocený výrobní areál vymezený ulicemi Komořanská a Do Koutů, ze severu pak přírodním parkem Modřanská rokle - Cholupice. Areál tvoří v podstatě třetinu rozlohy území Komořan a je bariérou omezující průchodnost sídla. V předdiplomové části je řešena územní studie cel...
Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark de Nazelle, Audrey Pradas, Marta Cirach Daher, Carolyn Dzhambov, Angel M Echave, Cynthia Gössling, Stefan Iungman, Tamara Khreis, Haneen Kirby, Nicolina
Published in
Environmental research
Current urban and transport planning practices have significant negative health, environmental, social and economic impacts in most cities. New urban development models and policies are needed to reduce these negative impacts. The Superblock model is one such innovative urban model that can significantly reduce these negative impacts through reshap...
Rahilly, John Amies-Cull, Ben Chang, Michael Cummins, Steven Derbyshire, Daniel Hassan, Suzan Huang, Yuru Keeble, Matthew Liu, Bochu Medina-Lara, Antonieta
Published in
SSM - population health
By the end of 2017, 35 local authorities (LAs) across England had adopted takeaway management zones (or "exclusion zones") around schools as a means to curb proliferation of new takeaways. In this nationwide, natural experimental study, we evaluated the impact of management zones on takeaway retail, including unintended displacement of takeaways to...