Eastern Jarash Project: 2023 Final Report
The fragments preserved at the Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, under the shelfmark P. Hamb. Arab. 68 are, to date, the longest and oldest excerpt of extant Qurʾān on papyrus. The fragments contain the Sura 2 in its entirety, written over seven bifolia originally sewed in a single quire. The writing incorporates the use of diacritical dot...
Published in Journal of medical biography
Tayādhūq, also known as Theodocus/Théodoros (d. early 8th century AD), was educated in the Gondēs̲h̲āpūr School and served the Sassanid kings. During this period, he contacted the Umayyad court and became the physician of Hajjāj ibn Yūsuf (d. 715 AD), the general governor of the Eastern regions of the caliphate. In addition to his knowledge on the ...
Published in Der Islam
The memory of war – and the use of this – is a constant in the Middle Ages and beyond. Within all this war memory, the remembrance of great battles is, perhaps, the most recurrent phenomenon. The pitched battle had an extraordinary impact on the people of the time, which made its remembrance remain alive and dynamic in the collective memory, as mom...
Since the 8th century, Cordoba has been undergoing a process of urban transformation led by the Umayyad rulers in order to configure its new status as the capital and to meet the needs of its growing population. The construction of the rabad of Šaqunda was an essential element within this new city. Written sources and archaeological remains indicat...
Cette thèse propose un essai d’histoire de la société du sud de l’Iraq au IIe siècle de l’Hégire (VIIIe siècle) à partir d’une réflexion sur le pouvoir de la terre. Elle se concentre sur la région de Basse-Mésopotamie caractérisée par un paysage organisé par le Tigre et l’Euphrate et leur système de canaux, ainsi que par des marais. Nous y étudions...
La céramique dite "culinaire" est une catégorie particulière de la commune. Elle correspond aux marmites, casseroles, poêles, etc. Elle se caractérise par sa fonction particulière qui est de chauffer et de cuire. De ce fait, elle se détache nettement du reste de la poterie par son aspect et ses propriétés. Facilement reconnaissable, elle est trouvé...
The new era after the fall of the Sasanian Empire, which is marked by the Muslims dominion over Iraq, as part of the Islamic Empire. It was only two years after the death of the Prophet Mohammad that the real efforts to spread Islam outside the Arabian Peninsula were made during the reign of the second Khalifah ‘Umar ibn al- Khattab. The Arabs at t...
La arqueología ha revelado recientemente la existencia de una importante revitalización urbana en Córdoba durante el Califato Almohade, apenas tratada hasta ahora por la historiografía, centrada principalmente en su pasado omeya. Por un lado, se ha observado una importante inversión del poder almohade en elementos defensivos y palatinos, acaso por ...
This paper combines the results of the previous research on the gold coinage of the Byzantine mint in Carthage and theIslamic mint in North Africa, together with new LA-ICP-MS analyses of 25 coins in the BnF and 92 SG measurementsconducted by T. Jonson in various collections. It includes a comparison of the various methods used. The changes inmetal...