Murthy, Dhiraj
This article provides a sociology of Twitter (now known as X) and charts the development of the study of the platform and its data in sociological venues through an analysis of 1,644 articles published since 2009. This review helps readers understand developments in the field and provides a road map for advancing future Twitter-related sociological...
Graham, Timothy
This article examines the circulation of unverified and misleading information during the 2023 Australian Voice to Parliament referendum, focusing on X (formerly Twitter). Adapting Harsin's concept of Regimes of Post-Truth and a participatory perspective of propaganda, we analyse over 224,000 posts, exploring the interplay of Voice-related discussi...
Debras, François
Interview de François Debras par Moustique pour un article sur la place des réseaux sociaux durant les campagnes électorales et leur mode de fonctionnement.
Patel, Sanjay B. Dharwa, Jyotendra Patel, Chandrakant D.
Published in
ITM Web of Conferences
This paper explores the potential of Twitter, a popular social media platform, as a tool for predicting election outcomes. Sentiment analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for predicting election outcomes, with numerous studies showcasing its effectiveness in various countries. For instance, research has utilized sentiment analysis to forecast ele...
Boyer, Anne-Lise Juanals, Brigitte Minel, Jean-Luc
Cet article vise à analyser la publicisation des débats sur les orientations de politiques publiques, les choix sociotechniques et les solutions alternatives avancés par des acteurs et actrices, pour faire face aux situations de sécheresse et de pénurie en eau. Il prend pour cas d’étude l’État d’Arizona (États-Unis), dans lequel ces situations se m...
García-Gámez, María Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio
In recent years, the opinion that the Eurovision Song Contest has become highly politicised is prevalent in the media and the popular voice, although not much research exists that can attest to this claim. In this work we conduct a case study that applies sentiment and discourse analysis methodologies to the assessment of political opinions in soci...
Sánchez-Santos, Raquel Cano-Valderrama, Oscar
Published in
Cirugia espanola
During the last years, social media use has increased in the surgical community. Social Media in surgery has created new challenges such as surgical education, patient privacy, professionalism, and the difference between the private and public virtual life. Facebook, YouTube or WebSurg are some of the main social media in the surgical field. Nevert...
French Bourgeois, Laura Esses, Victoria M.
Published in
Frontiers in Social Psychology
Introduction The world is witnessing an escalating migration crisis, and Canada, with its historically high immigration rates, is experiencing a rise in the number of asylum seekers entering the country as well. Despite generally positive Canadian attitudes toward newcomers, there is a notable division in opinions about welcoming them. Past studies...
Castillo-Toledo, Consuelo Fernandez-Lazaro, Cesar I. Lara-Abelenda, Francisco J. Molina-Ruiz, Rosa M. Ortega, Miguel Angel Mora, Fernando Alvarez-Mon, Melchor Quintero, Javier Alvarez-Mon, Miguel Angel
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Introduction Tobacco consumption and its impact on health remain high worldwide. Additionally, it is a contentious issue generating significant controversy. Twitter has proven to be a useful platform for evaluating public health topics related to population health behaviors, and tobacco consumption. Objective The objective of this study is to analy...
luzik, karina
Tato bakalářská práce zkoumá vliv internetu a sociálních sítí na procesy náboru zaměstnanců s cílem identifikovat a vyhodnotit efektivitu nástrojů a přístupů používaných organizacemi pro nábor a navrhnout zlepšení pro online náborové strategie. V teoretické části se práce věnuje definování základních pojmů a prozkoumání aktuálních trendů v digitáln...