Afera Veberkom sega v začetek leta 2015, ko je v medije prišla informacija, da je nenapovedan nadzor Komisije za nadzor nad obveščevalnimi in varnostnimi službami ugotovil, da naj bi Obveščevalno varnostna služba Ministrstva za obrambo izvajala določena poizvedovanja v zvezi s prodajo podjetja Telekom. Sosledje dogodkov je povzročilo številne debat...
This study aims to investigate the implementation of an AI model that predicts customer purchases, in the telecom industry. The thesis also outlines how such an AI model can assist decision-making in marketing strategies. It is concluded that designing the AI model by following a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture with a Long Short-Term Me...
In a growing digital economy, where demands for network services and competition from various communication-over-the-network service providers intensify, telecommunication companies need to keep up in an ever-changing environment. As there is a need to reduce time-to-market for new network services, agility becomes restrained by having to operate w...