Enseignement Moral et Civique. 5e. Fichier d'activités.
Ce manuel scolaire propose des documents sources, des ressources numériques et des activités pédagogiques pour aborder l'Enseignement Moral et Civique en classe.
Ce manuel scolaire propose des documents sources, des ressources numériques et des activités pédagogiques pour aborder l'Enseignement Moral et Civique en classe.
It is not surprising that various sources have recently described the teaching profession in Australia as ‘in crisis’. The consequences of pandemic policy have provided opportunities for groups to exploit the cascading crises facing teachers. We argue the online political ecosystem recognises teachers as a trope useful for retaining or gaining powe...
The International Workshop on Culturally-Aware Tutoring Systems (CATS) had been held 6 times to date, in conjunction with ITS and AIED conferences: ITS2008, AIED2009, ITS2010, AIED2013, ITS2014, and AIED2015. It has grown in popularity since its first edition, a trend reflected by an increasing number of submissions, a steady participation of resea...
Published in Cirugia espanola
Telemedicine has revolutionized the field of surgery, with telemonitoring and telesurgery being 2 of its most promising applications. Telesurgery and telemonitoring are revolutionary applications that have the potential to change the way surgical operations are performed. These applications can allow surgeons to perform operations, enable surgeons ...
Fondé sur une approche historico-culturelle du développement (Bruner, 1992 ; Vygotsky, 1934), ce travail de thèse porte sur la communication verbale en Education Physique et Sportive (EPS). À l’interface d’une approche interactionniste du langage (Bronckart, 1997) et de la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci & Ryan, 2012), les interactions langagi...
In this interview, Professor Tamara K. Hervey, a leading academic scholar on European Union health law, answers a range of questions about her personal experience of teaching and researching this branch of law in the only country to have left the European Union: the United Kingdom. What differences are there in EU health law teaching and research b...
Cílem bakalářské práce je vytvoření „Vzorové přípravy učitele praktického vyučování pro Střední odborné školy strojírenské“. Práci jsem rozdělil na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části je popsána strojírenská škola kde vyučuji a učební obory na které se zaměřuje má práce, dále faktory, které mají vliv na přípravu učitele při vyučování,...
Notre mémoire porte sur l’impact de l’attention dans les apprentissages. Nous nous sommes interrogées sur l'aménagement de l'enseignement afin de prendre en compte les variations de l’attention des élèves. Par ailleurs, l'attention, souvent confondue avec la concentration, est un processus complexe à définir, mais aussi à observer. Ainsi, notre mém...
Published in European Addiction Research
Background Environmental and behavioral factors are responsible for 12.6 million deaths annually and contribute to 25% of deaths and chronic diseases worldwide. Through the One Health initiative, the World Health Organization and other international health organizations plan to improve these indicators to create healthier environments by 2030. To m...