Wigham, Ciara R. Jauregi-Ondarra, Kristi
The E-LIVE project (Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange) is a three-year project funded by Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in school education (KA220-SCH). In this short paper, we report on two of the project’s initial teacher training actions. Firstly, a training needs analysis conducted via questionnaire and focus groups with 3...
De Smet, Cindy Schmider, Christine
This chapter examines the 2011 curriculum reform in France, which aimed to professionalize the teacher training system and establish national frameworks for teacher competencies in primary and secondary schools. Inspired by European guidelines for teacher education, this reform represented a paradigm shift in the French system, integrating pedagogi...
Pérez Lorca, Alicia Mauri Majós, Teresa Colomina Álvarez, Rosa
Los programas de formación del profesorado universitario incluyen la enseñanza de la reflexión como medio para comprender y gestionar las situaciones de la propia práctica en el aula. Si bien el estudio de la enseñanza de la reflexión ha sido abordado ampliamente en la literatura, todavía resulta poco conocido cómo los formadores de dichos programa...
Urbanski, Sébastien Bell, Lucy
Global citizenship education is an essential topic in an increasingly interconnected world. Indeed the need for inclusive and globally conscious education, embedded in cosmopolitanism, is recognised as a way to prepare individuals to navigate diverse cultures, address global challenges, and actively participate in a globalised world.Being both scie...
Gómez-Devís, M-Begoña Herranz Llácer, Cristina V.
This paper presents the lexical availability of future teachers, first- and fourth-year students of early childhood education. The purpose of this study is to explore the lexical repertoire of the interest areas New Technologies: ICT and Education. Based on a sample of 219 informants and a corpus of 6140 words and 993 terms, the incidence of univer...
Bohm, Nina Klaassen, Renate van Bueren, Ellen den Brok, Perry
This dataset includes the codebook, an export of the quotations manager from Atlas.ti, and analysis data for an educational design research in the Living Lab course. This design-based study investigates the adaptive guidance, also called ‘scaffolding,’ employed by teachers to guide students through problem-solving in uncertain situations. The datas...
Avila Aguilar, Zenaida
Society demands that the training of engineers should be based on the development of skills and attributes that allow them to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems with critical thinking; for this reason the objective of this research was to design, implement and analyze implementation results a Pilot Training Program for engineering p...
Aké, Lilia P. Páez, David Alfonso
The present qualitative and exploratory study discusses algebraic competence evidenced by prospective high school teacher. Six prospective Mexican teachers participated in the study when solving two tasks of an algebraic nature, data collected analyzed according to the four competence levels articulated in three actions: solve, interpret and valida...
Ortiz Portocarrero, Alier Romero Carrión, Violeta Leonor
The alignment of initial teacher training with the necessary competencies for globally-oriented education is crucial for achieving an equitable and just society. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between initial teacher training and global citizenship education. It is a basic research with an ex post facto design and correlation ...
Ferreira dos Santos, Jeneffe Araujo Sá, Roberto
This study aims to understand reflections about the argumentative processes carried out by undergraduate students in Chemistry at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – Campus Agreste – on a socio-environmental theme. Thus, it analyzes the contribution of discursive actions to the dialogue aimed at the construction of knowledge; and the students'...