Pattern recognition and event reconstruction in particle physics experiments
In this paper the Feynman path integral technique is applied to two-dimensional spaces of non-constant curvature: these spaces are called Darboux spaces D_I-D_I_V. We start each consideration in terms of the metric and then analyze the quantum theory in the separable coordinate systems. The path integral in each case is formulated and then solved i...
In this paper the path integral technique is applied to the quantum motion on the Hermitian hyperbolic space HH(2). The Schroedinger equation on this space separates in 12 coordinate systems which are closely related to the coordinate systems on the two-dimensional hyperboloid. For six coordinate systems out of the twelve it is possible to find a p...
In the event of a hypothetical severe accident in a Light Water Reactor (LWR) it is possible that the core melts and relocates to the lower head of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). If the severe accident management measures are not successful, the RPV can fail and the core melt is discharged onto the basement of the containment. To prevent a sign...
The algebraic curve for the psu(2,2 vertical stroke 4) quantum spin chain is determined from the thermodynamic limit of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The Hamiltonian of this spin chain has been identified with the planar 1-loop dilatation operator of N=4 SYM. In the dual AdS_5 x S"5 string theory, various properties of the data defining the curve for...