Ducruet, César Guerrero, David
This research focuses on the relationships between inland cities and port gateways. A quantitative analysis of 64 inland capital cities situated in coastal countries is proposed based on indicators that relate to ports, transport, trade and urban factors. The identified trends suggest that there is a trade-off between remoteness and openness to tra...
Pietrini, Silvia
Si l'autorité italienne de concurrence fait très peu d'incursion dans le domaine des prix excessifs, la pratique décisionnelle récente montre un intérêt renouvelé pour ce type de pratiques appréciées…
Guerrero, David Letrouit, Lucie Pais-Montes, Carlos
Published in
Transport Policy
This paper analyses the changes on the maritime network before and after the Covid-19 outbreak. Using a large sample of vessel movements between ports, we show a decrease in the global maritime connectivity and significant differences between ports and inter-port links. Furthermore, we find that Covid-19 mitigation measures implemented by governmen...
GUERRERO, David THILL, Jean-Claude
One of the major issues in port choice and hinterland studies is the identification of the inland origins of containerized shipments. Firms' headquarters, intermediary cross-docking facilities, and the real places of origin of cargo are used interchangeably. This confusion may lead to a wrong perception of the factors affecting port choice decision...
Guerrero, David Letrouit, Lucie Pais Montes, Carlos
This paper analyses the changes on the maritime network before and after the Covid-19 outbreak. Using a large sample of vessel movements between ports, we show a decrease in the global maritime connectivity and significant differences between ports and inter-port links. Furthermore, we find that Covid-19 mitigation measures implemented by governmen...
Petris, Matteo Pellegrini, Paola Pesenti, Raffaele
The in-Port vessel Scheduling and tug Assignment Problem (PSAP) aims at determining the schedule for a given set of vessel movements, and their escorting tugs within a port. In this paper, we propose, compare and discuss models and algorithms for determining solutions for the PSAP. Specifically, we introduce two mathematical programming models and ...
Thorel, Luc Blanc, Matthieu Saboya, Fernando
Combination of cyclic loading, fine particles and moisture within a bulk carrier's cargo can result in liquefaction causing the vessel to list or capsize and possibly loss of human life. In order to investigate the origin of cargo liquefaction during transportation, a new device has been developed at Ifsttar in the framework of the Franco-German Eu...
THOREL, Luc BLANC, Matthieu SABOYA, Fernando
La combinaison d'un chargement cyclique, de la présence de particules fines et d'humidité au sein d'une cargaison de minerai peut induire un phénomène de liquéfaction, pouvant engendrer une gite excessive, un déséquilibre du navire, voire sa perte et celle de son équipage. Afin de chercher l'origine de la liquéfaction de minerai au cours du transpo...
FREMONT, Antoine
Dans les années 1960, la capacité des plus grands porte-conteneurs se limitait à 1 000 EVP(1). En 40 ans, cette capacité a été multipliée par plus de 20. Les économies d'échelle, qui se traduisent par la réduction du coût de transport à l'EVP transporté, sont la pierre angulaire de cette course menée par les armateurs et qui pour l'instant semble s...
FREMONT, Antoine
Depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le transport maritime a été l'un des facteurs clés de la mondialisation. Il a permis concrètement l'accroissement du commerce international et contribué ainsi à la mise en interconnexion généralisée du monde. Mais le transport maritime a aussi contribué à remodeler l'espace productif mondial. Le déploiem...