Stickel, Sebastian Schenker, Moritz Dittus, Holger Unterhuber, Paul Canesi, Stefano Riquier, Vincent Ayuso, Francisco Parrilla Berbineau, Marion Goikoetxea, Javier
Published in
Scientific Reports
Today’s railway network capacity is limited by constraints imposed by traditional train protection systems. A way to overcome those limitations, maximize the railway network performance and also increase the operational flexibility is presented by the Virtually Coupled Train Set (VCTS) concept. This paper evaluates the technical feasibility of this...
RIVOIRARD, Lucas Wahl, Martine SONDI, Patrick
Routing protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks resort to clustering in order to optimize network performance. Concerning the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol and the plethora of its derivatives, the multipoint relaying (MPR) technique has proven its efficiency as an accurate clustering scheme over the last two decades. However, it has ...
BOUKOUR, Fouzia PERPEY, André KHOUDOUR, Louahdi BOUFIDIS, Neofytos SALANOVA GRAU, Josep Maria MARQUES, Francisco EDELMAYER, Andras BONNEAU, Marie-Hélène
The purpose of deliverable D5.2 is to present all communication standards used in the Safer-LC tests and to give some recommendations regarding some scenarios, while taking into account the format of data that need to be exchanged in the framework of the developed solutions. Namely, various wireless communication systems and positioning standards a...
Boukour, Fouzia Perpey, André Khoudour, Louahdi Boufidis, Neofytos Salanova Grau, Josep Maria Marques, Francisco Edelmayer, Andras Bonneau, Marie-Hélène
The purpose of deliverable D5.2 is to present all communication standards used in the Safer-LC tests and to give some recommendations regarding some scenarios, while taking into account the format of data that need to be exchanged in the framework of the developed solutions. Namely, various wireless communication systems and positioning standards a...
WAHL, Martine SONDI, Patrick RIVOIRARD, Lucas
Routing protocols for Mobile Ad hoc NETworks resort to broadcast in order to achieve their main functionalities such as node discovery, topology dissemination, route discovery and self-organizing. In order to reduce the impact of routing traffic and other broadcast traffic generated by the applications, clustering is one of the main approaches wide...
Le projet principal consistait à développer une application mobile qui permette d'aider à installer et debugger les cartes électroniques PEGASE 3. L'objectif majeur était de réussir à configurer la carte, ainsi que récupérer son état depuis une application Android sur Smartphone, à l'aide d'une communication NFC. Le second projet avait pour objet l...
SONDI, Patrick RIVOIRARD, Lucas Wahl, Martine
2019 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Paris, France, 18-/12/2019 - 20/12/2019
Galai Dol, Lilia de Bernardinis, Alexandre Rakotozafy, Hamy Fy Dimnet, Eric
2019 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), PARIS, FRANCE, 18-/12/2019 - 20/12/2019
RIVOIRARD, Lucas Wahl, Martine SONDI, Patrick
Lors de cette communication, nous avons présenté l'algorithme Chaîne-branche-feuille (CBL -Chain-Branch-Leaf) développé à l'Ifsttar entre 2015-2018. Durant cette période, nous nous sommes intéressés à la construction d'une infrastructure virtuelle dynamiquement stable qui reposerait sur des communications de véhicule à véhicule (V2V). Celle-ci perm...
Katsikouli, Panagiota Fiore, Marco Furno, Angelo Stanica, Razvan
International audience