Proceedings forum biodiversity - treasures in the world's forests
Altimetric data, climatological hydrological data, and numerical model results are compared over the Tropical Atlantic ocean between november 1986 and november 1988. All reproduce the seasonal cycle of the dynamic topography rather well, and the agreement is particularly good between altimetry and the primitive equation model. The study of the 1986...
Distribution of temperature, salinity and dynamic topography, using data from eleven SURTROPAC, three PROPPAC and three US/PRC cruises between january 1989, is examined. Long term changes of dynamic topography give a new view of oceanic variability in the western equatorial Pacific ocean : a) after the 1982-1983 El Nino event a drastic change occur...
We describe a series of sampling sensitivy experiments to examine potential errors due to data scatter around expendable bathythermograph (XBT) transects in the tropical Pacific. We use a linear, multiple vertical mode model forced with three differrent monthly mean wind stress sets for the period 1979-1983. The model is sampled along approximately...
Pendant le fort El Nino 1982-1983, deux réseaux d'observations océanographiques ont fourni des données continues dans le Pacifique tropical : le réseau de mesure du niveau de la mer créé et maintenu par l'Université d'Hawaii et le réseau XTB - navires marchands du groupe SURTROPAC, Centre ORSTOM de Nouméa - La topographie dynamique mensuelle 0-400 ...