La reprise du travail après un cancer favorise le rétablissement de la participation sociale mais se heurte à différents obstacles. Le projet FASTRACS vise à développer, implanter et évaluer une intervention pour faciliter le maintien en emploi après un cancer du sein. Le développement de l'intervention repose sur le protocole de l'Intervention Map...
The stress-gradient theory has a third order tensor as kinematic degree of freedom, which is work-conjugate to the stress gradient. This tensor was called micro-displacements just for dimensional reasons. Consequently, this theory requires a constitutive relation between stress gradient and micro-displacements, in addition to the conventional stres...
Germain's general micromorphic theory of order n is extended to fully non-symmetric higher order tensor degrees of freedom. An interpretation of the microdeformation kinematic variables as relaxed higher order gradients of the displacement ?eld is proposed. Dynamical balance laws and hyperelastic constitutive equations are derived within the ?nite ...
Nguyen, Mai LanChupin, OlivierBlanc, JuliettePiau, Jean MichelHornych, PierreLefeuvre, Yann
When reinforcing existing cracked asphalt pavements, the design and evaluation of the durability of the reinforced structure are quite different from those of a new pavement generally based on fatigue criteria deduced from stress and strain fields computed for the undamaged pavement. For the design of reinforcement solutions, the presence of cracks...
We present a Melan-type theorem applying to cyclically loaded media in which plastic flow and diffusion of guest atoms are coupled, such as electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries. The presented theorem ensures that elastic shakedown occurs ( i.e. that the plastic strain stabilizes to a time-independent limit), independently of the initial sta...
This article revisits the evaluation by a perturbation theory of the modification of the Rayleigh wave velocity under a static loading varying with depth. Two derivations, that have been exposed in the past and presented as comparable, are questioned. A new derivation of the perturbation formula is given by adapting Auld's approach. Validation with...
We revisit some ideas of why farmers do not convert to organic farming from our previous article with a dynamic individual based model. In this model, an agent's decision on transitioning to organic is based on the comparison between the satisfaction with its current situation and the potential satisfaction with an alternative farming strategy. A f...