Verron, Loris Hamard, Erwan Cazacliu, Bogdan Razakamanantsoa, Andry Duc, Myriam Vinceslas, Théo Hellouin de Menibus, Arthur Lemercier, Blandine Ansaa-Asare, Rhoda Julia Lecompte, Thibaut
Light earth is a natural insulating material composed of earth and vegetal fibres. It can be used to insulate existing and new buildings to reduce energy and resources consumption, and excavated earth generation by the construction sector. A pedological database is crossed with suitability thresholds in order to evaluate spatially the availability ...
Nashed Kabalan, Ola Marceau, Sandrine Le Roy, Robert
First International RILEM Conference on Earthen Construction, Champs-sur-Marne, FRANCE, 18-/03/2022 - 19/03/2022
Liandrat, O. Roussel, G. Bedoya-Velasquez, A. Ceolato, R. Cautru, A. Decroix, J. Schmutz, N.
Telecommunication and remote sensing data exchanged between Earth and space has increased dramatically in recent years. Radio frequencies, the medium used for several decades has shown to reach its capacity. Free space optical communications, achieved with laser transmitter devices, is an alternative with better transmission rate and increased secu...
Morel, Jean-Claude Charef, Rabia Hamard, Erwan Fabbri, Antonin Beckett, Chris Bui, Quoc-Bao
Published in
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences
The need for a vast quantity of new buildings to address the increase in population and living standards is opposed to the need for tackling global warming and the decline in biodiversity. To overcome this twofold challenge, there is a need to move towards a more circular economy by widely using a combination of alternative low-carbon construction ...
MOREL, Jean-Claude CHAREF, Rabia HAMARD, Erwan FABBRI, Antonin BECKETT, Chris BUI, Quoc-Bao
The need for a vast quantity of new buildings to address the increase in population and living standards is opposed to the need for tackling global warming and the decline in biodiversity. To overcome this twofold challenge, there is a need to move towards a more circular economy by widely using a combination of alternative low-carbon construction ...
Kenda, B. Drilleau, M. Garcia, R. Kawamura, T. Murdoch, N. Compaire, N. Lognonné, P. Spiga, A. Widmer‐Schnidrig, R. Delage, P.
International audience
KOALA, Herman
Le présent rapport traite des caractéristiques des briques en terre compressée éventuellement stabilisée. Mises en lumière par les limites sur le plan environnemental des moyens 'modernes' de construction tels que le parpaing en ciment et la brique en terre cuite, l'utilisation des briques en terre compressée n'est pour l'instant freinée que par le...
Jointly commissioned by the ministries responsible for the environment (MTES) and agriculture (MAA) and the public agency for the environment and energy (ADEME), the IFSTTAR (French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Planning and Networks) and the INRA (National Institute of Agronomic Research) have carried out a collective scientif...
Guillou, Anne Yvonne
L’auteur examine les différentes phases de la mort en milieu khmer, au Cambodge, où le bouddhisme theravada officiellement pratiqué est nourri d’un ancien fonds animiste. La mort y est perçue comme une transition plutôt qu’une rupture finale. L’importance fondamentale de la terre et, à un moindre degré, de l’eau et du feu, est soulignée concernant ...
Morgan, Paul Grott, Matthias Knapmeyer-Endrun, Brigitte Golombek, Matt Delage, Pierre Lognonné, Philippe Piqueux, Sylvain Daubar, Ingrid Murdoch, Naomi Charalambous, Constantinos
Published in
Space Science Reviews
This article discusses relevant physical properties of the regolith at the Mars InSight landing site as understood prior to landing of the spacecraft. InSight will land in the northern lowland plains of Mars, close to the equator, where the regolith is estimated to be ≥3–5m\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \use...