International migrations have long been depicted as one-time and one-way movements, from the origin country to a unique destination. This approach has since been widely challenged, as many studies show that migration trajectories are often more complex. Building on a now large and still growing body of literature, this chapter looks at the multiple...
Ce document réunit les informations méthodologiques de l’enquête Temper réalisée au Sénégal en 2017-2018. TEMPER signifie « Migrations Temporaires vs. Permanentes ». L’enquête s’intéresse à la circulation des migrants et aux liens qu’ils entretiennent avec leurs familles restées au pays. L’échantillon est constitué d’hommes qui n’ont jamais migré e...
Este artículo trata de una configuración territorial emergente característica de los flujos migratorios contemporáneos: el redespliegue de los campos migratorios de un país a otro; se apoya en el estudio cuantitativo de la morfología espacial de las reemigraciones de cinco grupos de inmigrantes que abandonaron España entre 2007 y 2014 (marroquíes, ...
The aim of this report is to present a comparative view on the possible impacts of return migration in Argentina, Romania, Senegal and Ukraine. It provides preliminary insights on four questions: (1) What is the economic contribution of returnees to their households and countries? (2) To what extent are returnees better-off than non-migrants? (3) A...
Poster (in English) based on a working paper (in French) available at (forthcoming in Population)
Poster (in English) based on a working paper (in French) available at (forthcoming in Population)
Poster (in English) based on a working paper (in French) available at (forthcoming in Population)
Based on data from the TEMPER surveys conducted in 2017-2018 in Argentina, Romania, Senegal and Ukraine, this report provides descriptive analyses of a series of outcomes referring to the economic contributions of return migrants, compared to non-migrants in the four countries. It presents successively results about the respondents’ remitting behav...