El Fallah, Rawa
Les propriétés spectrales des composants fluorescents de la matière organique d’un sol naturel ont été étudiées dans les trois fractions physiques ; substances humiques, acide fulvique et acide humique, par la méthode des matrices d’excitation et d’émission de fluorescence couplée à l’algorithme Parallel Factor analysis (PARAFAC). Les modifications...
Tadini, Amanda Maria
Soils play an important role in the most of the activities that occur on the planet. It participation in the main biogeochemical cyles can be highlighted. Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a key role in environmental sustainability, since it is related tocabon and nutrient cycling, being essential for studies related to global climate change and agro...
Gomes Rossin, Bruna
The purpose of this study is understaning the behavior of fulvic and humic acid fractions in a podzolized soilssystem, taking into account soils characteristics and to investigate the complexing capacity of Cu + 2 and Al + 3.For this purpose, conventional pedology and spectroscopic methods, Uv-Visible absorbance Spectroscopy, FourierTransform Infra...
Chaaban, Abdul Amir
The structural organization of humic nanocolloids remains a matter of harsh debate, and surprisingly, it is yet not possible to decide between an arrangement of the humic matter in the form of randomly coiled macromolecules more or less connected, and a supramolecular organization of small heterogeneous molecules linked by hydrogen bonds and hydrop...
Reiller, Pascal E.
This document proposes an analysis of the structure-reactivity relationships in the interaction between humic substances, metallic pollutants from the nuclear cycle, and mineral surfaces. It composes the scientific document, which allowed the author to defend a habilitation degree. It is mainly focused on the research works into which the author ha...
Reiller, Pascal E. Marang, Laura Jouvin, D. Benedetti, Marc F.
In groundwaters containing natural organic matter (NOM), mostly hu-mic substances (HS), it is expected that it plays a role on the behaviour of uranium in the environment. Another point is the actual effect of the competition with ma-jor cations and carbonate ions for U(VI)-NOM complexation. Our aim is to ac-quire experimental data for the U(VI)-HS...
Ce travail de thèse s'est intéressé aux interactions existant dans un système ternaire europium(III)/acide humique (AH)/a-Al2O3 dans diverses conditions physico-chimiques (pH, force ionique, concentration en matière organique). Ces interactions ont été étudiées à l'échelle macroscopique par quantification de l'adsorption de Eu(III) et/ou de l'AH su...
TANGUY, Virginie RISO, Ricardo
TANGUY, Virginie RISO, Ricardo
La spéciation colloïdale des éléments traces métalliques (Cu, Pb et Cd) a été étudiée dans l estuaire de la Penzé (Manche Occidentale, Bretagne) lors du cycle saisonnier. Cette étude a été réalisée afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables du transfert des métaux entre les différentes fractions (particulaire, colloïdale et réellement dis...