Frenda, Simona Abercrombie, Gavin Basile, Valerio Pedrani, Alessandro Panizzon, Raffaella Cignarella, Alessandra Teresa Marco, Cristina Bernardi, Davide
In Artificial Intelligence research, perspectivism is an approach to machine learning that aims at leveraging data annotated by different individuals in order to model varied perspectives that influence their opinions and world view. We present the first survey of datasets and methods relevant to perspectivism in Natural Language Processing (NLP). ...
Romano Solís, Nathan Calderón Tenorio, Carlos Guilermo
Introduction: Currently, intersex people are pathologized by medical discourse and socially invisible. For this reason, it is pertinent to explore the impact of endo-cis police on the subjectivation of intersex persons. Endo-cis police are understood as the modes of regulation of being and doing of specific bodies. Objective: Make visible experienc...
MIRANDA, ANGELA LUZIA Carvalho, Mário Sérgio Fernandes Canuto ...
Que relação podemos estabelecer entre o pensamento de Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche acerca da moral e o sentido da técnica na contemporaneidade? O presente artigo trata de aprofundar tal problemática, considerando as contribuições e a importância do pensamento de Nietzsche para analisar o sentido filosófico da técnica em nosso tempo. Muito embora “o ...
Wilson, Anna
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la dynamique relationnelle entre personnages féminins enfermés dans des schémas de domination et d'oppression dans l'œuvre littéraire d'Assia Djebar et de Toni Morrison, et sa part dans leur construction ou déconstruction en tant que sujets face à cette oppression. Se basant principalement sur huit œuvres des deux écrivain...
Alvarez, Julian
Cette présentation a pour but d'expliquer les constructions sociales et les perceptions subjectives associées auxjeux. De là, il en découle nécessairement des limites pour classifier les jeux que ce soit au niveau de l'artefact ou bien des joueurs. Ainsi, nous pouvons comprendre pourquoi la classification par Brique Gameplay (artefacts) ou bien via...
Baluška, F Miller, W B Slijepcevic, P Reber, A S
Published in
Bio Systems
Cells represent the basic units of life, not only as structural building blocks, but also as cognitive agents endowed with subjective cellular feelings, sentience (consciousness), and cognitive infocomputatioal competence. Living cells act as 'Kantian Wholes': All of its parts exist for and by means of the whole system, allowing cells to use sentie...
Poibeau, Thierry
This article reevaluates the concept of bias in Large Language Models, highlighting the inherent and varying nature of these biases and the complexities involved in post hoc adjustments to meet legal and ethical standards. It argues for shifting the focus from seeking bias-free models to enhancing transparency in filtering processes, tailored to sp...
Ku Peralta, Francisco
This study focused on the philosophy of Karol Wojtyla in his book entitled "The Acting Person" in relation to one of the activities of a human person, i.e., work itself. Although he did not dedicate any topic to human work, his very explanation of the action of the person as both subjective and personal is what human work is. Work, as lived experie...
Casanova, Morgane Chanson, Julien Icard, Benjamin Faye, Géraud Gadek, Guillaume Gravier, Guillaume Égré, Paul
This paper presents the HYBRINFOX method used to solve Task 2 of Subjectivity detection of the CLEF 2024 CheckThat! competition. The specificity of the method is to use a hybrid system, combining a RoBERTa model, fine-tuned for subjectivity detection, a frozen sentence-BERT (sBERT) model to capture semantics, and several scores calculated by the En...
Basso Fossali, Pierluigi
This paper starts with a reference to the structural tradition whenreality was primarily approached as an isotopy from the perspective of veridiction,potentially in competition with other isotopes, for example, that of the aestheticgaze with its ‘excessiveness. However, the question of reality cannot be reducedto isotopic passages between rationali...