Crouvi, OnnSun, JiminRousseau, Denis-DidierMuhs, Daniel R.Zárate, MarceloMarx, Samuel
Loess is an eolian deposit, composed mainly of silt grains, which can be identified in the field as a distinct sedimentary body. It covers a significant portion of the land surface of the Earth and is one of the most important terrestrial archives of long-term dust deposition. Loess appears on almost all continents, and ranges in thickness up to se...
While the planet Mars is today a dry and cold wasteland dominated by aeolian processes, a large diversity of geomorphologies observed from orbit suggests that aqueous processes took place there. Most of these morphologies implies the presence of developed fluvial networks at the surface of the planet about 3.5 Ga ago. However, the precise condition...
Wiltshire, C.Meersmans, JeroenWaine, T.W.Grabowski, R.C.Thornton, B.Addy, S.Glendell, M.
peer reviewed / Purpose: Identification of hotspots of accelerated erosion of soil and organic carbon (OC) is critical to the targeting of soil conservation and sediment management measures. The erosion risk map (ERM) developed by Lilly and Baggaley (Soil erosion risk map of Scotland, 2018) for Scotland estimates erosion risk for the specific soil ...
We wish to point out an obvious error made by one of us (J.F. Deconinck), and kindly reported by J.G. Bréhéret, the reason why we have jointly decided to publish this correction. The error affects at varying degrees the scientific quality and partly invalidates the conclusions of the following articles: Corentin et al. (2020) « Environmental and cl...
Une approche intégrée de la grotte Huchard, ou grotte du Ranc pointu no1, a été menée en 2020 et 2021. Elle a eu pour objectif d’investiguer les éventuelles complémentarités d’usages fonctionnels et/ou symboliques ayant pu exister entre les différentes grottes ornées du « complexe de sites » du Ranc pointu, dont fait partie la grotte Huchard. Ceci ...
Chapman, Kenneth W.Gilmore, Troy EMehrubeoglu, MehrubeChapman, Christian D.Mittelstet, Aaron R.
Imagery from fixed, ground-based cameras is rich in qualitative and quantitative information that can improve stream discharge monitoring. For instance, time-lapse imagery may be valuable for filling data gaps when sensors fail and/or during lapses in funding for monitoring programs. In this study, we used a large image archive (>40,000 images from...