dai, mengge feng, yuhao wang, runqi jung, jungho
With the advent of artificial intelligence digitization, intangible cultural heritage faces challenges in preservation and transmission. Utilizing modern technology to achieve digital protection and dissemination has become a crucial issue today. This study enhances the digital inheritance and development of Chinese intangible cultural heritage pap...
Merino-Gómez, Elena Moral Andrés, Fernando Querol, Blanca Reviriego Vasallo, Pedro
El reciente desarrollo de herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) generativa capaces de generar imágenes a partir de secuencias de texto, está creando oportunidades en muchas disciplinas. La arquitectura no es una excepción y los generadores de texto a imágenes (text-to-image generators) se pueden emplear en la representación gráfica. Sin emba...
chen, feiran mai, mengran huang, xinyi yinghan, li
This study discusses the application of AI technology in the design of traditional Chinese-style architecture, aiming to enhance AI’s matching accuracy and sustainability. Currently, there are limitations in AI technology in generating details of traditional Chinese-style architecture, so this study proposes a method of fine-tuning AI pre-training ...
hadera, ditmar
Tato práce představuje novou metodu pro anonymizaci obličejů na obrázcích a ve videích, která mění identitu obličeje při zachování klíčových obličejových atributů, jako jsou věk, pohlaví, rasa, pozice a výraz. Náš přístup je založen na inpaintingu pomocí moderního difuzního modelu, konkrétně Stable Diffusion od Stability AI. Provedli jsme rozsáhlé ...
Zhou, Hongwei Zhu, Jichen Mateas, Michael Wardrip-Fruin, Noah
Schembri, Patrik
Cilj diplomskega dela je raziskati področje videoiger in umetno inteligentnih orodij z namenom, da omenjena orodja v čim večji količini uporabimo pri izdelavi videoigre. Do ideje smo prišli, ko so se na spletu pojavila številna orodja, ki omogočajo generiranje vsebin, kot so tekst, slike in videi z uporabo umetne inteligence. Videoigro smo izdelali...
kim, junho yang, heekyung min, kyungha
We propose a framework that synthesizes artistic landscape sketches using a diffusion model-based approach. Furthermore, we suggest a three-channel perspective map (3CPM) that mimics the artistic skill used by real artists. We employ Stable Diffusion, which leads us to use ControlNet to process 3CPM in Stable Diffusion. Additionally, we adopt the L...
Malevé, Nicolas
Recent developments of image generators have introduced a new point of contention in the already contested field of artificial intelligence: the ownership of images. In 2023 Getty Images sued the company Stability AI, accusing it of illegally appropriating photographs for the purpose of training its models. Analysing image generators and stock agen...
Hagström, Nick Rydberg, Anders
Machine learning-based image generation models such as Stable Diffusion are now capable of generating synthetic images that are difficult to distinguish from real images, which gives rise to a number of legal and ethical concerns. As a potential measure of mitigation, it is possible to train neural networks to detect the digital artifacts present i...
Malm, Simon Rönnbäck, Viktor
Training deep learning models for computer vision tasks requires large volumes of training data. Collecting such data is not difficult, but privacy regulations restrict the use of personal data without getting explicit consent or rendering the data anonymous first. Traditional techniques for anonymization, such as face blur, negatively impact the u...