Eriksson, Rebecca Moberg, Johannes
Denna studie undersöker polisers känslor kopplat till arbetet med barn och unga inom organiserad brottslighet, och hur dessa känslor hanteras och uttrycks i arbetet. För att besvara forskningsfrågan genomfördes fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma poliser. Poliserna fick möjlighet att berätta om det dagliga arbetet i yttre tjänst oc...
Al-saffar, Shehrazad Kirstein, Frida
I ljuset av könsrollernas utveckling i Sverige ämnar uppsatsen undersöka uppfattningen av den kvinnliga och manliga stereotypen. Tidigare forskning skiljer mellan två typer av uppfattningar, hur könen uppfattas typiskt vara (deskriptiva uppfattningar) och hur de önskas vara (preskriptiva uppfattningar). Med en kvantitativ ansats, genom en enkätunde...
Blomqvist, Helena
Uppsatsen fokuserar på hur kriminalvårdspersonal som arbetar med sexualbrottsdömda manliga klienter upplever och hanterar sina emotioner. Att hantera emotioner i en arbetsmiljö med rutiner och regler kan leda till att personalen undertrycker sina känslor, vilket ökar risken för ohälsa och negativ påverkan på arbetsmiljön. Syftet med studien är att ...
Aresti Philippou, Izabelle Wastenson, Caroline
This study examines perceptions of negative work environment and discrimination in the workplace through a social constructivist perspective and ethnomethodology as theoretical frameworks. The aim is to understand how individuals interpret and construct these phenomena and how factors such as gender and age influence their experiences. The study is...
Grimell, Jan
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
As service members transition from deployment to civilian life, they are also expected to reintegrate into society. An important part of this process is to “soften up” veteran or warrior identities and open up the self for both existing and new identities, mindsets, and ways of life. Past research has shown that the warrior mindset, in particular, ...
Većkalov, Bojana Geiger, Sandra J Bartoš, František White, Mathew P Rutjens, Bastiaan T van Harreveld, Frenk Stablum, Federica Akın, Berkan Aldoh, Alaa Bai, Jinhao
Published in
Nature human behaviour
Communicating the scientific consensus that human-caused climate change is real increases climate change beliefs, worry and support for public action in the United States. In this preregistered experiment, we tested two scientific consensus messages, a classic message on the reality of human-caused climate change and an updated message additionally...
Rudling, Maja Nyström, Pär Bussu, Giorgia Bölte, Sven Falck-Ytter, Terje
Published in
Autism : the international journal of research and practice
When other people look directly towards us, we often respond by looking back at them, and such direct-gaze responses are important for establishing eye contact. Atypical eye contact is common in autism, but how and when this aspect of autism develops is not well understood. Here, we studied whether how much and how quickly infants respond to others...
Silfwerbrand, Lykke Ekselius, Lisa Koike, Yasuharu Gingnell, Malin
Background: The Swedish Universities Scales of Personality (SSP) is a personality measurement tool with a short test battery of high psychometric quality, previously not availiable in Japanese. Methods: We translated the SSP into Japanese and administered it to 103 Japanese nationals. For 11 of the 13 SSP scales in the Japanese version of the SSP (...
Andersson, Per A. Vartanova, Irina Västfjäll, Daniel Tinghög, Gustav Strimling, Pontus Wu, Junhui Hazin, Isabela Akotia, Charity S. Aldashev, Alisher Andrighetto, Giulia
When someone violates a social norm, others may think that some sanction would be appropriate. We examine how the experience of emotions like anger and disgust relate to the judged appropriateness of sanctions, in a pre-registered analysis of data from a large-scale study in 56 societies. Across the world, we find that individuals who experience an...
Viktorsson, Charlotte Portugal, Ana Maria Falck-Ytter, Terje
Published in
Scientific reports
A tendency to look at the left side of faces from the observer's point of view has been found in older children and adults, but it is not known when this face-specific left gaze bias develops and what factors may influence individual differences in gaze lateralization. Therefore, the aims of this study were to estimate gaze lateralization during fa...