Guzman Bacarreza, Victor Al-Hakimi, Mazen
This thesis explores the potential for integrating established e-commerce success factors (ECSF) into service-oriented e-business (SOEB). It examines whether traditional e-commerce principles can be adapted to SOEB practices. The research follows a dual-path approach, analyzing the SOEB literature and comparing empirical data from SOEB practices wi...
Christell, Julia Tallmar, Hanna
Livs, eventuellt tänker du på ditt favoritlivs nedanför porten vid din lägenhet, kanske vet du inte vad det är eller så har du kanske aldrig besökt ett livs, men ställt dig frågande till hur de kan finnas kvar, då är denna kandidatuppsats avsedd för just dig. Vårt fokus med denna kandidatuppsats har varit att fylla kunskapsgapet om Malmös livs med ...
Kinnunen, Wilma Mica, Langels
The purpose of this thesis was to analyze how the length of the supply chain and theinterorganizational relation between the suppliers within a construction project affects theoutcome of social sustainability with a focus on workplace safety and accidents. A qualitativestudy was conducted through semi-structured interviews with nine respondents fro...
Bank, Rikke Dogan, Hande
Art and culture are increasingly recognised as essential components of our societal development, enriching the quality of our lives through imagination, connection, and innovation, while supporting various aspects of well-being, including health and lifelong learning. However, the professionals in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) often exper...
Singh, Nathalie Sørensen, Jonas
This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between social sustainability and financial performance in Nordic large and mid-cap firms. Lately, there has been an increasing focus on ESG factors, however previous studies of the ESG factors’ relationship to financial performance have given mixed results. Moreover, in previous studies, the focus o...
Wieske, Eliza Noelle
This thesis addresses the relationship between civil society and the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) within the frame of the Nordic Vision 2030 to become “the most integrated and sustainable region of the world”. It reviews civil society's role in Vision 2030's social sustainability objectives by focusing on integration and social challenge respo...
van Beek, Julius Berglund, Robert
Purpose: The thesis investigated how local entrepreneurs in Slite perceive Heidelberg Materials Cement Sverige AB (HMCS) 's upcoming carbon capture storage (CCS) project—the thesis aimed to explore their perceptions of both enthusiasm and concern regarding the forthcoming mega-project in eco-innovation. Method: A case study based on qualitative res...
Sjöberg, Sandra
Ungas perspektiv på landsbygden och deras livsvillkor är av avgörande betydelse för att förstå och forma framtidens landsbygder. I denna kontext är det viktigt att påpeka att samhällsplanering inte enbart handlar om planerandet och utformandet av urbana områden, utan även om att skapa levandeoch hållbara landsbygdssamhällen där unga människor såväl...
Habibi, Effat
This study is a comprehensive investigation into the potential for gentrification in Norra Sorgenfri, a former industrial district in Malmö, Sweden. It takes a multifaceted approach that includes inhabitants' perceptions, going beyond the scope of traditional studies that focus on residential areas and track displacement through statistics. Our res...
Colciago, Maria Chiara
This thesis discusses the design project and process of THE HUB, the Linnaeus University campus multipurpose space designed to promote student community, well-being, creativity, and its benefits. This thesis project was executed as a team with my partner and friend Haymanot Fozzati. The original goal was to create a physical fixed location that wou...