Approche phénoménologique de la dépression
En 2061, dans un monde où l’accès à l’eau et à l’alimentation s’est complexifié, où les ressources énergétiques se raréfient, des personnages arpentent différents quartiers de Bruxl, une mégapole marquée par de forts contrastes sociaux, politiques et technologiques. Neuf nouvelles captivantes et inventives dans lesquelles il est autant question de ...
Le présent article est pensé comme une lecture exploratoire et synthétique des travaux sur la question de la présence animale dans les discours sur la viande. Nous envisageons le fonctionnement sémiotique de la chair animale en le considérant du point de vue indiciel et symbolico-discursif. Ainsi, nous cherchons à montrer par quels processus l’indi...
peer reviewed
GENEAM. Pour une nouvelle généalogie critique de l'Education aux médias.
peer reviewed / Based on qualitative research conducted in the construction sector in Douala, Cameroon, this article analyses the contractual practices that underpin employment relationships between construction actors. The aim is to provide an account of the social dynamics that lead to the differentiation of employment conditions in the construct...
peer reviewed / Recall performance in working memory (WM) is strongly affected by the similarity between items. When asked to encode and recall list of items in their serial order, people confuse more often the position of similar compared to dissimilar items. Models of WM explain this deleterious effect of similarity through a problem of discrimin...
peer reviewed / Research on ecosystem services (ES) has become central to landscape planning, framing the relationship between people and nature. In Sub-Saharan regions, local communities rely heavily on wetlands for various ES. For the first time, we assessed perceptions of ES provided by these wetlands, focusing on marshes, peatlands, swamps, and...
The Organigraph technique, adapted as part of the H2020 SHELTER project, explores the complexities of the governance involved in the disaster risk management of heritage sites with experts. The paper aims to demonstrate the application of the Organigraph technique to the complex of Santa Croce in Ravenna, Italy. Te technique proved to be a valuable...
Since its inception, the concept of neurodiversity has been variably defined and widely discussed, which may cause confusion among those unfamiliar with the topic. Further, learning about neurodiversity is challenging given the lack of well-curated, appropriately contextualized information and the prevalence of misinformation on the topic. To addre...