Damiens, Margot
This document is a compilation of 36 maps at various scales depicting the itineraries of German-speaking travelers having visited Scandinavia in the 18th century and having published their travelogue right afterwards. The complete list of travelers is included on page 1.
Lome, Ragnild
A multitude of ideas about individual and distributed agency circulated in Scandinavian culture during the 1960s, a period often designated as the early information age. Through an analysis of six novels, this dissertation discusses how prose fiction in and around the 1960s in Norway, Sweden and Denmark responded and contributed to this circulation...
Tate, Leticia
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the relationship between grave goods and the identity of buried individuals. The interpretation of sex and gender, as well as gendered grave goods in Late Iron Age Scandinavia, is of a particular focus. A comparative analysis of 163 graves was carried out using an intersectional theoretic perspective, statis...
Seek, Abd Alkareem
The Arabic primary sources from the early medieval period have long existed in the modern consciousness of the scholarship, however, differing interpretations, mistranslations, and omissions have contributed to the state of already existing confusion permeating the matter of the Rus origin, influence, and interactions in their theatre of action in ...
Huang, Isabella Andersson, Ida
Bakgrund: En individanpassning efter kulturella referensramar förutsätter personcentrerad vård i transkulturella vårdmöten. Att omvårdnaden är kulturell kompetent är meningsfullt för att säkerställa jämlik och effektiv vård för alla patienter, oavsett deras kulturella bakgrunder. Med ett mångkulturellt samhälle som bakgrund och jämlik vård som mål ...
Nichols, Christopher
Excavations at the vicarage yard (prastgarden) at the famous Late Iron Age magnate centre of Gamla Uppsala, Sweden, have yielded six Viking Age (c. ad 750-1100) boat burials, several containing the remains of domestic dogs. The present study is an osteological examination of the remains of three of these dogs, one each from three boat graves, with ...
Linderoth Christiansen, Signhild
The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate and analyze how the profession of librarians is presented in Scandinavian job advertisements. In recent studies the library profession has been found loaded with uncertainty due to large and radical changes in the Scandinavian societies during the last decades. 120 advertisement texts were collected...
Bornfalk Back, Anders
The main fortification tradition of pre-Viking Age eastern Sweden consisted of defensive walls built in an advanced dry-stone technique, some including internal timber-lacing and supporting earthen banks. Erected on mountain crests, hillocks, plains and shorelines, these constructions were part of the martial landscape of an immensely transformativ...
Alvin, Anderling
Denna kandidatuppsats täcker användningen, deponeringen och handeln av Hallstattsvärd i Sverige under den yngre bronsåldern. Mycket har sagts om fynden, spridning och användning av svärden som hittats inom Hallstattkulturens geografiska gränser men jämförelsevis har lite skrivits om den rika samlingen av Hallstattsvärd som hittats i Sydskandinavien...
Lexell, Anette Herrgård, Theresé
Organisationer inom de skandinaviska länderna står ständigtinför essentiella utmaningar. En accelererande globalisering,teknologisk utveckling och digitalisering har medfört nyakrav för fortsatt funktionalitet och överlevnad. Under desenaste åren har även extraordinära händelser såsomcovid-19-pandemin och kriget i Ukraina orsakat starkakontraster g...