Volto, Natacha Duvat, Virginie Burban, Louise Vendé-Leclerc, Myriam
Cette étude s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet FUTURISKS dédié à l'analyse des risques côtiers passés à futurs dans les territoires d'Outre-mer insulaires tropicaux français. Elle apporte des éclairages précis sur le rythme de l'érosion côtière au sein de l'atoll d’Ouvéa, situé dans l'archipel des Iles Loyauté en Nouvelle-Calédonie dans l'océan Paci...
Azorakos, Georgios Castelle, Bruno Marieu, Vincent Idier, Déborah
Modelling and predicting the future of sandy shorelines is a key challenge in coastal research and is critical for sustainable coastal management. However, currently the most skillful shoreline models strongly rely on data to calibrate the free parameters, and are thus restricted to a few well monitored sites in the world. Here we address the chall...
Wang, Li (author) Schuster, Mathieu (author) Xin, Shi Wei (author) Zainescu, Florin (author) Xue, X. (author) Storms, J.E.A. (author) May, Jan Hendrik (author) Nutz, Alexis (author) van der Vegt, Helena (author) Bozetti, Guilherme (author)
Two rectangular-shaped lakes, Lake Hulun and Lake Buir, located at the boundary between China and Mongolia, only c. 75 km apart and therefore experiencing similar wind fields, have been studied based on satellite images and field surveys in order to compare their geomorphological and sedimentological characteristics. The wind-driven hydrodynamics, ...
Thiéblemont, Rémi (author) le Cozannet, Gonéri (author) Rohmer, Jérémy (author) Privat, Adrien (author) Guidez, Romain (author) Negulescu, Caterina (author) Philippenko, Xénia (author) Luijendijk, Arjen (author) Calkoen, F.R. (author) Nicholls, Robert J. (author)
Coastal erosion and flooding are projected to increase during the 21st century due to sea-level rise (SLR). To prevent adverse impacts of unmanaged coastal development, national organizations can apply a land protection policy, which consists of acquiring coastal land to avoid further development. Yet, these reserved areas remain exposed to floodin...
Brils, M. Munneke, P. Kuipers Jullien, N. Machguth, H.
Recent observations revealed the existence of ice slabs and aquifers on the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS). Both affect the ice sheet's hydrology: ice slabs facilitate runoff and aquifers modulate drainage to the bed. However, their climatic drivers and history remain unclear, as most observations cover only two decades. Here, we present a model simula...
Senechal, Nadia Coco, Giovanni
Predicting shoreline change is a key issue in coastal research. Predictors, process-based or data-driven, tend to be developed and tested on high-frequency and high-quality data sets. Combining hydrodynamic and morphological variables extracted from video images and artificial neural network allows us to evaluate if sparse data could still provide ...
Sammland, Elin
Syftet med undersökningen är att göra en “modell” över hur bronsålderns strandlinje på Gotlands östra kust kan ha sett ut samt att undersöka var rösen finns placerade i landskapet. Undersökningen har haft två teoretiska utgångspunkter, seascape och platsval. Materialet som undersökts i uppsatsen är 508 rösen och 14 gravfält där rösen förekommer, sa...
Laignel, Benoit Vignudelli, Stefano Almar, Rafael Becker, Mélanie Bentamy, Abderrahim Benveniste, Jérôme Birol, Florence Frappart, Frédéric Idier, Deborah Salameh, Edward
Coastal regions (including estuaries and deltas) are very complex environments with diverse hydrodynamic and bio-geomorphological contexts and with important socioeconomic and ecological problems. These systems are among the most affected by human impact through urbanization and port activities, industrial and tourism activities. They are directly ...
Bagheri, Milad Ibrahim, Zelina Z Wolf, Isabelle D Akhir, Mohd Fadzil Talaat, Wan Izatul Asma Wan Oryani, Bahareh
Published in
Environmental science and pollution research international
The impact of global warming presents an increased risk to the world's shorelines. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that the twenty-first century experienced a severe global mean sea-level rise due to human-induced climate change. Therefore, coastal planners require reasonably accurate estimates of the rate of sea-level...
Sultana, Tania Islam, Md Tariqul Rahman, Md Shajjadur Siddique, Abu Bokkar Huda, A N M Samiul Sarker, Subrata
Published in
The central coast of Bangladesh is dynamic for its geographical location, hydrodynamic characteristics and residual flow. The research employed the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), an ArcGIS extension tool, to conduct a historical trend analysis of shoreline. The study demonstrates that the central coast is eroding to the north and accreti...