Álvarez Gutiérrez, Álvaro J.
El presente artículo propone la reconstitución gráfica de la Segovia del siglo XVI a partir de las panorámicas del corógrafo flamenco Anton van der Wyngaerde. Para efectuar dicha labor, se analiza método, recursos e invariantes gráficos empleados por el artista flamenco y su aplicación práctica al supuesto segoviano. Prima identificar los puntos de...
Gutiérrez-Pérez, Nicolás
En este artículo se analizan los dibujos realizados por los espías y enviados franceses que visitaron España a finales del siglo XVIII y comienzos del XIX para conocer y radiografiar las infraestructuras de lavado de lanas con el fin de importar sus métodos y replicar el arquetipo en territorio propio. Los sistemas de representación que utilizaron...
Castelo Scremmer, Joaquín Bernal González, Rubén Génova Fuster, Mar
New locations of 23 plants in the eastern Central System are presented, which, in general, extend their known distribution areas in the territory. In one case it is a great novelty for the entire sector and in another three they represent new contributions to the provincial floras of Guadalajara and Madrid. Some of the mentioned species face severe...
Borgognoni, Ezequiel
On March 30 and 31, 1689, funeral ceremonies, mourning and obsequies were held in the Cathedral of Segovia to commemorate the life and fix the memory of Queen Marie Louise of Orleans. In this article I will analyze the organization of the funeral ceremony and the disagreements associated with it. To carry out this work, I will use the testimonies o...
Fuente Núñez, Rubén de la
The aim of this article is to study the characteristics of the measles outbreak of 1883 in the city of Segovia, taking into account its mortality, time course of the disease, distribution in the population, ages of the deceased, gender and the measures implemented to control it. The reconstruction of the passage of the disease throughout the city a...
Martín Gil, Teófilo
The discovery hereafter put forward is that of the freshwater macrophyte Lemna trisulca L., a threatened taxon classified as critically endangered according to the UICN category for Spain, appearing as a relevant chorological novelty for the wild vascular flora of the region of Castille and Leon (Segovia). Complementary graphic material to the herb...
Mateo, Gonzalo Martínez Labarga, Juan Manuel García Cardo, Oscar García Muñoz, Julián
Some rare or new taxa of vascular plants collected in the province of Guadalajara (C Spain) are here commented. / Se comunica el hallazgo de nuevas especies de plantas vasculares en la provincia de Guadalajara, que resultan novedosas o interesantes para la flora de dicho territorio
Martín Gil, Teófilo Gila Marazuela, Jaime Rico, Javier
Se reporta información sobre el hallazgo de dos nuevos taxones de la familia Orchidaceae en la provincia de Segovia, Himantoglossum robertianum (Loisel.) P. Delforge y Orchis palustris Jacq., que constituyen aportaciones de relevante interés corológico, biogeográfico y conservacionista / Information is hereafter put forward regarding the discovery ...
Sonlleva Velasco, Miriam Sanz Simón, Carlos
In the 1910s, the female inspectors who made it to the first posts had excellent training and extensive professional experience. However, they had to prove their worth in the face of the distrust of an eminently masculinised professional body. One hundred years later, many of them are still forgotten. This research aims to analyse the personal and ...
Mostaza Prieto, Abel
The spaces of some rural Castilian Christian churches contain encrypted messages in light or architecture that are only understood by those who were prepared to see them, people who, due to their social status or their tasks located themselves in strict order inside the church and visualized those codes elaborated for them. This work elaborates a h...